Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

First training

The first workout is alternately pulling ball up with feet and second horizontal movement with inside of feet. First, we do two consecutive pulls to right and left with soles of feet, then two pendulums, and then repeat for 60 seconds.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Drawing 1. Demonstration of alternately pulling ball and second horizontal set

This exercise is a very good basic exercise. Its difficulty lies in switching between two movements, which makes it easy for us to lose rhythm. You can start slowly and practice at top speed after you get the hang of it.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 2. Increasing speed

Second training session

The second exercise is to pull ball out and tap your toes. First pull ball towards outside of your foot, then touch the ball lightly with your toes and then forward. Repeat continuously, doing 30 seconds with each leg.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Drawing 3. Pull ball outward and hit with your toes

The key point of this exercise is that pulling up ball is accompanied by a small jump, and supporting leg bounces away from ball. When toe touches ball, supporting leg is slightly bent. This exercise improves our coordination and balance and is beneficial in long run.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Picture 4 - Position of supporting leg for small jumps

Third workout

Third workout - Ronaldo technique C. We first pull ball over body, then step on bike with other foot to step over ball, and then foot behind us circles ball, using string to position ball. Stop and repeat same action on other side.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Drawing 5. Demonstration of Ronaldo's skills

The difficulty with this technique is that as ball is pulled across body, other leg is lifted to meet ball and pass in front of ball and then catch ball from behind.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Drawing 6. Support leg slightly bent when taking a penalty from behind

Workout Four

The fourth workout is pulling ball out. First we pull ball and turn it 180 degrees, then we suddenly stop ball abruptly, change direction and repeat same action on other side.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 7. Demonstration of pulling ball out

When cutting ball, center of gravity must be lowered. This not only buffers kinetic energy at start, but also allows ball to clip and make crash stop more stable. It is convenient for you to change direction of next launch.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 8. Lower center of gravity when cutting ball

Fifth workout

Fifth workout - pull ball on your feet and step on bike. We pull ball to side, and then step over ball with other foot, alternating back and forth like this.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 9. Demonstration of a walking bike with a ball

This technique can train our balance and calf flexibility and is also a basic move for many skills. This is a great basic workout.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 10. Left and right legs in a row

Workout Six

The sixth workout is to stand on bike twice. First toss ball inwards, then alternately stand on bike with both feet (both feet take a step in same direction), then lightly touch ball with outside of other foot and repeat this for a total of 60 seconds.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 11. Bicycle demonstration of internal dialing twice

The exercise is to switch steps quickly, shift center of gravity, not be too dead and feel transition. This technique is a very good rhythm training move, especially a basic move that linebackers should practice.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Fig. 12. The center of gravity should not be too dead

Workout Seven

The last exercise on sixth day is to pedal inside of bike. First get on bike, then make small jumps and dribble ball sideways, and then repeat same movement in other direction. Do this for a total of 60 seconds.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 13. Pedaling demonstration on inside of bike

Before you practice, you should think that this is easiest movement to date, just try it. The difficulty with this technique is that after cycling steps legs are still in air to block ball, so it is difficult for you to link movements. We must focus on landing legs after cycling steps and block ball along way This does not mean that blocking of ball falls to the ground.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 14. Focus on landing of foot

Comprehensive leg workout

Let's take a look at today's detailed tutorial, first take a look at full demo.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 15. Full step synthesis demonstration

First step: pull ball and take a step;

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Drawing 15. Pull ball and take a step

Step 2. Touch ball alternately with outside of your left and right foot.

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 16. Alternate contact with outside of foot

Third step: horizontal cut from outside

Football training 丨 Perfect ball control training!

Figure 17-Horizontal extrusion and outer cut

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August 20, 2023