"Football training" can thus get rid of opponent's defense on touchline!

When an opponent forces you to go over touchline, attacking side often feels uncomfortable at that time. If operation is not performed correctly, ball is easy to get over touchline, but it is actually difficult to get rid of it. defender. Then next step This move is very suitable to use at this time.

"Football training" can thus get rid of opponent's defense on touchline!

Technical points

step 1

Place one foot on ball first. If ball is rolling, stop it first.

"Football training" can thus get rid of opponent's defense on touchline!

step 2

Then push your leg to lift your body into air and rotate your body 180° before landing.

"Football training" can thus get rid of opponent's defense on touchline!
"Football training" can thus get rid of opponent's defense on touchline!

step 3

When landing, toes of walking foot must point towards ball.

"Football training" can thus get rid of opponent's defense on touchline!

step 4

Finally, use your other foot to pull ball up to your pivot foot at this time. When ball is pulled up to top of foot, provoke ball quickly.

"Football training" can thus get rid of opponent's defense on touchline!

This technical action is more suitable for sideline.

"Football training" can thus get rid of opponent's defense on touchline!

In practice, pay attention to turning distance when defense tries to push you to sideline, this technique will help you quickly get rid of defense.

"Football training" can thus get rid of opponent's defense on touchline!
Your attention is biggest motivation for editor!

August 27, 2023