I can play table tennis in 60 seconds 13. After learning these tricks, I am not afraid to receive and serve

I can play table tennis in 60 seconds 13. After learning these tricks, I am not afraid to receive and serve

China News Service, Beijing, July 8 (Li He) Whether it's an urban community or a rural area of ​​sports and leisure, you can see table tennis tables almost everywhere around you. The reason table tennis is called "national game" is closely related to its ease of use, popularity, and strong mass base. Playing Table Tennis in 60 Seconds will help readers who love national football start from scratch and step into door of young fans ——

The return is second ball in each over in play and first ball for receiving side to start game. This determines that technique of receiving serve is an anti-controlling and active technique, as well as a complex technique. Beginners want to catch serve well, learn these tricks first:

I can play table tennis in 60 seconds 13. After learning these tricks, I am not afraid to receive and serve

1. Judgment on receipt and service

The most important part of pitch reception is assessment of pitch reception, which directly affects way and quality of pitch reception. Therefore, when receiving a serve, it should be comprehensively analyzed based on nature of rotation, strength of rotation, line of ball and landing point when serving opponent.

First of all, you must adjust your receiving position to match your opponent's serving position. If you serve from right to right corner of table, receiver must stand to right of center line; if opponent serves from right side, receiver must stand to left of center line.

I can play table tennis in 60 seconds 13. After learning these tricks, I am not afraid to receive and serve

2. Serve receiving position

When an opponent serves ball from right corner of table, he is likely to serve ball to opponent's left position or serve ball at a high angle to right. Therefore, receiving station should be in middle or to right of table;

When an opponent serves ball from left corner of table, he is likely to serve ball to his position on right or serve ball at a large angle to left. Therefore, position of reception of serve should be left;

According to your own playing style and standing habits, you should adopt a moderate stance between distance and distance to handle long or short serves.

I can play table tennis in 60 seconds 13. After learning these tricks, I am not afraid to receive and serve

3. Receiving and serving technique

In principle, different return methods should be used for different innings. But it is clearly unrealistic for beginners to analyze opponent's serve while simultaneously correcting their own technique.

For beginners, our coaches "exclusively teach" skill of receiving serve: when catching a flat ball, how opponent serves and how receiver catches ball, that is, to stay in line with movement of opponent's ball. (End)

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October 05, 2023