Click me to watch video version teaching first theoretical principle of plane support. It can be said that theory first put forward by Pingpong can solve all wrong movements of table tennis technique, and through it, movement can set limits of all methods.
The second theory is how to be relatively still and completely relaxed while playing. It can be said that ability to experience and understand basic principles of inertial automatic force is most important key in transition from an amateur to a professional. Many amateur golfers cannot apply force, and main reason for all this is that they cannot apply main force to ball. Quick Power and Ultimate Power are indistinguishable and cannot be used correctly. No matter how standard and beautiful movements are, they are still at amateur level.
Two very important theories are plane support principle and force of inertia. If you understand these two theories, you can master all table tennis techniques. If everyone can understand these two theories, technical level of everyone here will be greatly improved.
When people swing while playing, they swing in a 3D 3D space. But between hand and body is relationship between planes. Although this plane also moves and changes in 3D space, each part of it can form a plane.
Many amateur golfers have various problems such as twisting of wrist, raising elbow, raising arm, etc. All of them are due to damage to plane. As long as we understand principle of maintaining plane, all wrong actions will not appear in future.
In a right hand strike, elbow joint of forearm and big arm form a plane, and when body is rotated to make our arms swing, body is another plane. Many people do not coordinate their hands and body well. Either arm swings, or wrist turns, or elbow goes up and shoulder goes up, resulting in various wrong movements.
Start by stabilizing plane formed by elbow joint of forearm and large arm. Once this plane is formed, it will not change dramatically during our general movement. For example, during an attacking right hand and approach of racket, three arms are immediately away from body, and then plane falls sharply forward or flips back in the process of swinging.
While there is a sudden collapse or change of aircraft, it means that you have problems with movement. As long as plane is undergoing a fade, fade will be performed smoothly.
For example, plane formed by my hand when I dribble is slightly more vertical. In process of hitting ball forward, this plane does not suddenly flatten, it remains relatively straight. Then standard we refer to in process of handling ball is no longer based on whether your wrist moves or not and whether your elbow is raised or not to judge correctness of your movements. Instead, see if plane is moving forward smoothly and steadily.
If your aircraft is more stable when moving forward, it means that your overall movement structure is relatively stable. It's not about throwing or flipping On a stable basis, as long as our action frame is ready, when we play I know how far to close plane and then pull racket back to make sure the plane is within reach. If there are no big changes, then your movements are mostly standard.
October 05, 2023
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