Please memorize these good ways to play table tennis scientifically.

Please memorize these good ways to play table tennis scientifically.

Please memorize these good ways to play table tennis scientifically.

There are many private table tennis masters in Shenzhen. Photo courtesy of surveyed unit

Please memorize these good ways to play table tennis scientifically.

The Shenzhen Table Tennis Cup attracted public attention. Photo courtesy of surveyed unit

Shenzhen, as a strong sports city with rapid development in recent years, table tennis is one of best sports with a wide mass base. The Shenzhen Table Tennis Association has become an important front to popularize practice of table tennis among masses, operating various venues in city to better serve masses. In order to enable more citizens to understand table tennis and prevent sports injuries, Municipal Table Tennis Association has developed appropriate teaching methods to help table tennis fans keep fit and enjoy training.

Basic methods of teaching table tennis

Practice sense of ball: a necessary practice to be familiar with learning to juggle ball with a racket, throw ball against wall, etc., and practice sense of instant judgment by looking at ball with two eyes.

Practice Accompaniment: Whether you are accompanied by a coach or a high-level golfer, keep your posture correct and play back and forth more often.

Practice receiving serve: before you receive serve, carefully consider what type of racket you need to control before hitting, and do not repeat same action.

Practice: It is very important to practice simple flat shots in order to lay foundation for game and learn how to find right point of impact.

Practice on stage: first make sure you hit ball on opponent's stage, and then both gradually increase speed and power of ball and play back and forth to find ball.

Workouts to strengthen muscles and prevent injury

Kneeling pose with knees up and apart: body is in a kneeling push-up pose, hands and knees on ground. The arms are straight and directly under shoulders. Stand on one foot with your left foot and extend your right foot as far as you can while keeping your back straight. Hold for 1-2 seconds when muscles tighten to maximum, then return to starting position and repeat above steps on other side.

Kneeling pose with straight knees and hind legs: body is in a kneeling push-up position, both arms are straight and directly under shoulder joints, and both knees are bent at 90 degrees and directly under hip joints. Keeping your torso and arms stable, straighten and lift your right leg. Hold for 1-2 seconds when muscles tighten to maximum, then return to starting position and repeat above steps on other side.

Forward and Back Squat: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms naturally at your sides. Keep your torso straight, bend your knees and hips, and keep your torso and hips at a 45-degree angle to ground. Bend your arms at same timechest and clench your fists to each other. Keeping position of torso and arms unchanged, alternately step forward with both feet, and then alternately step back, repeat prescribed number of training times. (Lin Weihang)

Source: Shenzhen Evening News

October 05, 2023