Can play table tennis in 60 seconds 18: Learn to break ball full of power

Can play table tennis in 60 seconds 18: Learn to break ball full of power

Chinanews customer, Beijing, July 26 (Li He) Whether it's an urban community or a rural sports and leisure area, you can see table tennis tables almost everywhere around you. The reason table tennis is called "national game" is closely related to its ease of use, popularity, and strong mass base. Playing Table Tennis in 60 Seconds will help readers who love national football start from scratch and step into door of young fans ——

The highball throw is an effective highball and semi-highball technique and one of most important scoring methods in game.

Can play table tennis in 60 seconds 18: Learn to break ball full of power

It is characterized by a large range of motion, great strength, fast ball speed and great threat. It is usually used when opponent returns a semi-high ball after using other moves to gain initiative and advantage. To hit a tall ball, technical requirements for grip and horizontal grip are same.

The main points of hitting technique still work according to steps of stance, dribbling, swinging racket and returning ball:

Position: evaluate approaching ball and adjust position of shot. Left foot forward, body slightly away from platform.

Can play table tennis in 60 seconds 18: Learn to break ball full of power

Dribbing: Dribble back and up, rotate your waist and shift your center of gravity to right. Before hitting ball, arm rotates inward to tilt front of racket and whole arm follows rotation of waist and hip to bring racket as close to right back of body as possible to increase distance between racket and flying ball.

When hitting ball and pulling up racket, body pulls racket to right and back to increase distance between racket and incoming ball and increase force of hitting ball. In order to improve power of hitting ball, first step is to take racket as far away from ball as possible before hitting ball, that is, racket should be pulled back as much as possible, and waist should be turned back as far as possible.

The racquet's lead distance must be correctly adjusted to match approaching ball. If lead distance of racquet is too short or point of impact is too close to body, power of strike will be affected. Coordination of waist, hips and legs is also very important when using striking techniques. If only arms are used to apply force, not only is lethality limited, but movement becomes unstable.

Can play table tennis in 60 seconds 18: Learn to break ball full of power

Swing racquet and hit ball: with right foot on ground, center of gravity, waist and hip turn to left, and whole arm swings back forward and up and hits ball. middle and top of ball. Hit ball over your head, rock racket forward and down, press down on your wrist as you hit ball, and at same time shift your center of gravity to left

Recovery: Pay attention to maintaining body balance and quick recovery.

Attention! When hitting ball, you must evaluate height of falling ball and dribble well with racket. Pay attention to using your body's strength. (End)

Can play table tennis in 60 seconds 18: Learn to break ball full of power
Can play table tennis in 60 seconds 18: Learn to break ball full of power

Source: China News Network

October 07, 2023