3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

Figure 1. Title map


In past, I have mainly analyzed relationship between spin and topspin arc and reverse spin.

Rotation is absolute and no rotation is relative. Next, I'll make a full animation of six basic rotations of the table tennis ball in 3D, as shown in Figure 2.

3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

Drawing 2. Six basic rotations

1. Relationship between rotation and arc of forward rotation and reverse rotation. (As shown in animation Fig. 3)

Two points are underlined here:

1. With regard to each round of table tennis, goal is to allow table tennis to "cross net and touch table". There is no translational force acting on table tennis ball, so here we can only make assumption that these two spinning table tennis balls can also "cross net and touch table".

2. From point of view of arc maker (the other side is called reverse side), both arcs going through net are same as a non-spinning ball and basically don't change direction, but arc of a forward-spinning ball touching table is a right turn, and an arc touching ball of reverse rotation - turn to left. According to author Pingpong.com∣Tan Dan, word "guai" perfectly describes arc characteristics of forward and backward rotation. ") etc. can also understand meaning of a turn, it is a sudden turn.

3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

Fig. 3. Diagram of arc movement of forward and reverse rotation

Second, relationship between rotation and arc of left and right balls. (As shown in animation Fig. 4)

There are also two things to emphasize here:

1. From point of view of arc producer (the other side is called reverse side), arc of left ball crossing net deviates to right, and arc of table touch continues to deviate to right, while arc of right-handed ball, on contrary, arc of crossing of net deviates to left, and arc of touchdown continues to deviate to left. This is biggest characteristic of left and right arcs, both arcs are displaced in same direction.

2. Interpret word "bias" as opposite of "zheng" in same way as radical "丿", it is a continuous turn.

3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

Fig. 4. Arc diagram of movement of left and right balls

Three or six basic rotations and arcs. (as shown in Figure 5~7)

3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

Fig. 5. Relationship Diagram - Basic Perspective

3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

Fig. 6. Relationship Diagram - Side View

3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

Fig. 7. Relational diagram - projection from feedback side

3 moving images and 4 still images showing how various rotations of table tennis balls are deflected after touching racquet

Table of relationships between six major turns and arcs


1. The "left" and "right" in table are based on point of view of wire manufacturer (the other side is called bonding side).

2. The "arc trend as opponent returns to go through net" is based on assumption that opponent is holding clapperboard vertically and level.

Whether serving or returning, we all have trade-offs and choices regarding "stability, accuracy and ruthlessness", and two technical elements "rotation and arc" are magic weapon of "stability". In this way, success will be achieved and king will be installed. Will the victory be far?


Skills of Table Tennis Spinning/Edited by Zhang Bo, Zhang Lilay.—Beijing: People's Sports Publishing, 2001

By Pingpong ∣ Tranquility

October 07, 2023