The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

In this training episode, Liu Yi mainly explained basics of sidecutting. For more information, check out this tutorial episode.

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In order to meet needs of felling enthusiasts, has launched a series of "Learning to Chop from Scratch" tutorials led by Liu Yi, a former national felling team player.

The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

Liu Yi has already introduced us to three ways of cutting a ball: slow cutting, fast cutting and side cutting. Today I will focus on explaining third method of cutting ball - side cutting. Let's look at essence of the action.

The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

1. Basic Actions

(1) Quote: The quotation shouldn't be too tall, it can be moved a little further to side.

The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

(2) Point of impact: The point of impact must be in fall period.

The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

(3) Direction of force: The force is directed mostly sideways, rubbing against side of ball from left to right.

The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

(4) Racquet Grip: Grip is similar to backhand twist, which tends to be sharper on backhand, which can rub side of ball better.

The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

(5) Center of Gravity: Use your body more than just your arms.

The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

Second, purpose of side trim

The return of ball is uneven and often leads to fact that opponent concedes ball. National player Liu Yi teaches technique of side hooking.

Twist ball with a little lateral rotation to move to opponent's position on right, change line and ball's landing point, and ball will deflect to side after hitting ground.

Ping-pong network organized by Liu Baosheng

November 08, 2023