National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

In this tutorial episode, Liu Yi mainly explained problems to pay attention to when cutting ball and basics of slow cutting. For more details, please refer to tutorial series.

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In order to meet needs of felling enthusiasts, has launched a series of tutorials "Learn to cut from scratch". The instructor is Liu Yi, a former felling team player who hopes to help them. hack players.

National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

Liu Yi has already explained to you some of knowledge about backhand rubbing at middle and near tables. If you can rub more than 20 or 30 boards, you can practice hooking. Let's first explain some points to pay attention to. when cutting.

National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

1. Pay attention to problem when cutting ball

(1) Carefully cut off ball

Your body should be relaxed, don't just use your hands to show strength like in tai chi, your body should be soft and you should use softness to overcome hardness. If body is very stiff, ball will be too hard for opponent to use it.

National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

(2) To close force

When you hit ball, your own strength and strength of opponent's ball combine to increase friction on ball return and improve quality of ball.

National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

(3) Ball spin

Actually, rotation of ball also depends on opponent, because longer rubber, more opponent pulls it, more I cut it.

National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

(4) Right shoulder should be lower

When a backhand cuts ball, right shoulder should drop and left should be high.

Generally speaking, there are three methods of cutting ball that fans and friends can learn and use. These are slow cutting, fast cutting and side cutting. Today we are mainly talking about slow cutting.

National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

Second, slow cutting

If opponent is pulling ball with a normal topspin, we can use this method of cutting ball, use tempo wisely, and adjust body on spot.

National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

(1) Basic Actions

1. Racquet Thrust: This kind of hooking is similar to backhand rubbing in middle and near table, but movement must be increased and arm must be raised.

2. Point of impact: Hit ball as it falls and hit ball when ball falls slightly above table.

3. Direction of force: hit ball gently, send it forward a little more, create feeling of a howling ball, that is, stop ball on racket, and then throw it with ball, on friction on board will be better, if residence time is longer, ball will rotate more and racket will be sent to bottom of ball and rubber particles will be sent down.

4. Lobe Shape: The shape of plate should be slightly flat.

National player Liu Yi teaches you how to cut a ball. Among three ways to cut a ball, slow cutting and kneading are key to applying force.

(2) Applicable conditions

Cutting ball in this way can make ball move smoothly across scene. To cope with general topspin of ball, you need to cut arc of ball for a very long time. This is more suitable for those who have just started to practice cutting ball. when slowly cut ball hits ground, it rolls back.

When you first start practicing, you can walk around slowly and then move a little closer to the stage.

Ping-pong network organized by Liu Baosheng

November 09, 2023