Zhang Benzhi and his backhand are not as stable as Ma Long's, but Fan Zhengdong's shot is explosive How did he become a world-class player?
Due to continuous reform of table tennis and development of technology, previous theory that "he who wins forehand wins world" has gradually become untenable. Now, in high-level competitions, backhand skills for both men and women have an important ratio.
Currently, there are many athletes with a strong backhand and a weak forehand who are also among first-class players, such as Tomokazu Harimoto from Japan.
In current era of big ball, ball's speed and spin have decreased, lethality of forehand has decreased, and the number of stalemate situations has increased, especially backhand-based stalemate play has become more important. More and more point techniques and tactics are being used.
Zhang Bengzhihe's backhand is very suitable for current era of big ball. Although his backhand is not as consistent as brutality of Ma Long and Fan Zhengdong, his topspin attack is worth studying.
As amateurs, we also need to consider some attacking techniques and targets when attacking with backhands. Let's take Zhang Benzhi and backhanders as examples to see what to look out for.
First of all, this is landing point of return ball. The bat game on left is mainly based on backslash, and longer line, lower error rate, that is, left half of opponent Table. The same applies to backhand, but its placement is special. See picture below. Zhang Benzhihe used procedure to return to an outside punch + backhand to center, and then push back to a high angle backhand into a slash return.
A change in landing point can also be reflected in front and back changes, as shown in image below, because Ma Long's backhand has obvious changes in depth of landing point.
The second point is change of rhythm, it is difficult for us amateurs to catch rhythm, because rhythm is invisible and intangible, but change of rhythm can play a very important role in game. We can pay more attention during regular practice and work out some changes in rhythm of beats.
The third point is straight line change, backhand change to straight line is Tomokazu Zhang Ben's signature backhand technique, quality of straight line change is high and sudden, often making opponent unprepared.
Changing a backhand to a straight is one of the most commonly used techniques in modern backhand technique. Create an opportunity for a right hand attack.
As importance of backhand increases, we must purposefully increase impact of backhand in training and competition. We can accumulate some experience by watching higher level competitions and constantly improving our own level.
Ping pong pure boiled water
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