How can you be ashamed if you don't get points for a straight right hand? Xu Xin teaches how to combine a straight horizontal punch with a right hand.

How can you be ashamed if you don't get points for a straight right hand? Xu Xin teaches how to combine a straight horizontal punch with a right hand.

Xu Xin's straight horizontal kick + one-stop side kick, it's hard to learn these little exercises without lifting ball!

In a stalemate or when receiving a serve, we should aim to use right hand to score points, including in a left hand stalemate, this should also create opportunities for right hand to turn sideways and seek initiative. Today, let's take Xu Xin's attack from right after crossing into a stalemate to see how to highlight ability of attack from right.

How can you be ashamed if you don't get points for a straight right hand? Xu Xin teaches how to combine a straight horizontal punch with a right hand.

In a previous post, we said that many amateurs will over-rely on a direct horizontal technique in real combat after adding a horizontal technique to a backhand, which will reduce ability of right attack or reduce proportion of side attack, which leads to a decrease in initiative in game .

How can you be ashamed if you don't get points for a straight right hand? Xu Xin teaches how to combine a straight horizontal punch with a right hand.

Xu Xin has increased his attacking ability from left over past period of time, but we can see in game that Xu Xin's horizontal shot mainly creates forehand opportunities, and finally forehand directly scores. In fact, at this stage, straight board and horizontal board are common. Although backhand on horizontal board is more aggressive than on straight, at end of stalemate, backhand on the horizontal board is more conditioning. for forehand and more to use forehand to score points.

How can you be ashamed if you don't get points for a straight right hand? Xu Xin teaches how to combine a straight horizontal punch with a right hand.

Let's look at how Xu Xin made a dash on right and scored points after a stalemate on left, see picture above. After Xu Xin and Xu Chenhao made successive swings, Xu Chenhao took lead to twist and pull Xu Xin into position. There had already been an adjustment for back step, which created room for him to pull up on right side, so Xu Xin did not make too many adjustments to front pull, and pull quality was also very high, scoring straight.

How can you be ashamed if you don't get points for a straight right hand? Xu Xin teaches how to combine a straight horizontal punch with a right hand.

For a side attack on right, we can also develop a program in advance. In fact, we already mentioned this procedure in previous horizontal board tutorial. Today we will review Xu Xin's application for competition, see picture above. We can see this from two animations above. Xu Xin throws a right side kick in a diagonal and straight line. This procedure is designed in advance, instead of deciding whether to kick sideways based on the approaching ball.

How can you be ashamed if you don't get points for a straight right hand? Xu Xin teaches how to combine a straight horizontal punch with a right hand.

Then why did Xu Xin dare to go sideways ahead of time? This is because his previous shot set stage for his side attack. The line of his previous pen shot was very long and angle was mostly close to bottom line, and it should be a quality shot. left-handed, and arc of ball is turned outward after falling off table, so it is very difficult for opponent to change straight line. , but also to choose return path, which is more likely to provide a one-shot victory.

How can you be ashamed if you don't get points for a straight right hand? Xu Xin teaches how to combine a straight horizontal punch with a right hand.

If quality of his horizontal shots is not very high, Xu Xin at this time will not turn sideways in advance, but will pay more attention to neutral right hand, as shown in picture above. From moving image, we can see that after Xu Xin's straight horizontal kick was defended by Fang Zhengdong to right line, Xu Xin was able to quickly move to right position and use his right hand to complete counterattack. ball landing point is also very reasonable. Press Fan Zhengdong's position on left first, and when he sees that Fang Zhengdong wants to turn sideways, he pulls right kick from Fan Zhengdong's neutral position (Fan Zhengdong's early side position is same as previously mentioned side position Xu Xin) The same technique and tactics, high-quality backhand and then wanted to turn sideways, but Fang Zhengdong did not give a big backhand angle, and Xu Xin successfully pulled back).

How can you be ashamed if you don't get points for a straight right hand? Xu Xin teaches how to combine a straight horizontal punch with a right hand.

Whether straight or horizontal, emphasis on right hand is direction we pursue in actual combat. Some techniques can also be generalized in our ongoing practice. Find a technique that suits you and can score effectively. When game enters key Can be distributed when fighting for points.

Ping pong pure boiled water

November 21, 2023