Let's see how Ma Lin masters horizontal punches and pushing blocks, pros and cons of straight horizontal punches are better understood by others than me

Let's see how Ma Lin masters horizontal punches and pushing blocks, pros and cons of straight horizontal punches are better understood by others than me

Advanced technology also has two sides. Do you know disadvantages of direct horizontal combat in real combat?

From point of view of current high-level athletes, it can be said that left side impact system is most advanced technology at present. Pushing and blocking have virtually disappeared among professional athletes. But for us hobbyists, lock is still very popular and lock technology is very important for most hobbyists.

Let's see how Ma Lin masters horizontal punches and pushing blocks, pros and cons of straight horizontal punches are better understood by others than me

In previous posts, we talked about some of horizontal pull, horizontal punch, and twist techniques in horizontal punch system. In fact, mastering one skill is not difficult. This is hardest part. In addition to difficulty of combining with pushing and blocking, system of horizontal play itself has certain disadvantages for us amateurs.

Let's see how Ma Lin masters horizontal punches and pushing blocks, pros and cons of straight horizontal punches are better understood by others than me

For amateurs, main disadvantage of a straight punch is that stability is not as good as it is with a push and block. Amateur hitting is generally a late added technology, especially for some golfers who have used a straight blade for many years, game system's practice time is short and stability is weak. How to balance stability with push and hit, that is, we must find knot that suits us in a real fight.

Let's see how Ma Lin masters horizontal punches and pushing blocks, pros and cons of straight horizontal punches are better understood by others than me

The second drawback is how quickly you can select and use technologies in real combat. For example, in a real confrontation, after adding a straight horizontal kick, should you use push and block or a horizontal kick for an incoming ball? Sometimes there will be fluctuations together which will result in missing best time to hit ball. To do this, we must set a clear goal for ourselves, which ball is used for horizontal play in game, and which ball is used for pushing and blocking. Generally, for some low-quality returns, we can join crossplay system because we have enough time to make a choice at that time, and in some quick returns, it's actually more subconscious. So it's still more reasonable. use original push and block.

Let's see how Ma Lin masters horizontal punches and pushing blocks, pros and cons of straight horizontal punches are better understood by others than me

Another point is that after adding a horizontal punch, awareness of using a forehand can be degraded with application of a horizontal punch. When a straight backhand can solve reverse spin and add to attack, plus pace of lovers There can be an over-reliance on backhand system , so that frequency of using right hand strikes will decrease. At this time, if quality of horizontal strike is not high, it will be difficult for opponent to return to your right and left strike with a large angle.

Let's see how Ma Lin masters horizontal punches and pushing blocks, pros and cons of straight horizontal punches are better understood by others than me

As an example of a combination of side attack, push and block, take following animation of Ma Lin in game. Ma Lin's straight horizontal punching technique was added later and is very different from Wang Hao's straight horizontal punching system. Ma Lin's straight plank is commonly used on ball of opportunity. After entering topspins, she is more combined with her own pushing and blocking skills, including power push, straight push, push in middle, etc., using push and block to create opportunities as well then turn attack to right. In moving picture, Ma Lin also uses pusher position and rhythm change for scoring, which is also a guarantee that Marin can achieve excellent results in era of double-sided arcs.

Let's see how Ma Lin masters horizontal punches and pushing blocks, pros and cons of straight horizontal punches are better understood by others than me
Let's see how Ma Lin masters horizontal punches and pushing blocks, pros and cons of straight horizontal punches are better understood by others than me

For a straight backhand, whether it's a straight backhand after adding a horizontal kick or a straight backhand aimed at pushing and blocking, you need to focus on creating forehand opportunities and try to ensure that forehand can be smoothly connected.Great lateral opportunity . Judging from Xu Xin's most direct playing style, Xu Xin has recently stepped up his attack from left, but his side attack also emphasizes forehand opportunities and uses his righthand to end fight, emphasizing his advantage from right.

Ping-pong net-boiling water

November 22, 2023