Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

If you master arc ball, you can hit invincible players in amateur world. The trick is actually very simple

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Now let's talk about some skills of pulling up and turning ball to right.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

1. Quote

The action of loop ball pull is actually same as normal continuous quick draw, but hold is different and hold is more downward.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

Second, important point

The point of impact will also change. When continuously drawing ball, ball usually enters an early stage of descent. Laga can wait until middle or late stage of ball's decline. This way there will be more hits after ball drops. Time to rub up, turning backspin of the ball into a topspin.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

Third, swing your racket

(1) Acceleration

If you want to rub ball thinly and release it onto stage, arc control is very important. without acceleration there is no friction and it's like a continuous forehand. You can't get on stage hanging up like you're pulling a ball, and you have to emphasize rapid upward force of forearm.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

(2) Board type

The surface of board should be slightly at an angle of about 90 degrees. When you first started training, arc of ball you pulled could be very high. After friction is accelerated by forearm, arc of ball instead becomes lower because ball's spin becomes stronger after friction.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

(3) Relax

In order to turn ball, it is very important to apply force in process from dribbling to hitting ball. Many people are unable to pull ball because force is so great and racquet is tightly gripped. In a relaxed state, racket can be slightly retracted.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

(4) Braking force

At moment of hitting ball, forearm rapidly applies force up and forward, and it feels like force is suddenly stretched. As you stretch, you will feel muscles tense up. At this time, racket is braked and forearm is used to bring racket into braking. Only when there is a sensation of racket bouncing can whipping force come out.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

Of course, don't clamp too loosely, so first loosen and then tighten, same is true for grip. Pat on head.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

The fourth method. Practice

(1) Fine friction

In order to experience feeling of pulling ball thinner and turning it, for a reverse spin ball with strong spin, if you just hang it without adding force, you can't pull it up. If you go directly into net, friction force of your hand upwards should be sufficient, and you can use more. Wait a minute, if, say, just rub ball up, arc of ball will be high.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

(2) Pressing practice

At beginning of practice, upward friction is very thin and arc is relatively high. Then gradually move your center of gravity forward to control low arc. Since threat of high hanging is not very strong, one can easily die from a straight board after arc is high. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that in Lajiazhuan arc of ball is as low as possible.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

The arc of entire thrust, curvature of backswing and arc of ball are very similar. Pulling ball is not just going up, but at same time you have to move forward by pressing on racket to control arc of ball. The control of curvature of swing depends on body's center of gravity. When center of gravity is lowered to right, center of gravity shifts to right foot, and right shoulder drops. It can be seen that board is relatively open and vertical at this time. When center of gravity is pressed forward, surface of racket is relatively dense.

Thus, Laga turns ball in a loop, which is more dangerous than a forward throw, so it can be easily mastered in practice.

So shape of board can be changed by changing body, so curvature of ball still uses body's centroid transformation, and body changes from low to high to change the shape. boards.

Ping-pong network organized by Liu Baosheng

November 22, 2023