The tackle method used by national players when serving ball so that strength can be freely changed.

When catching ball shallowly, fingers should be tense so that they can be switched freely.

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Today, let's take a look at questions from golfers: do we use a shallow grip when serving ball, and how to go from a flat grip to a regular grip after ball.

1. What do you rely on, from a shallow serve grip to a regular grip?

1. Muscle Memory

We have already discussed problem of flipping racket before. When ball is served, grip is relatively free. After serving, racket switches to a normal grip. This switch is not trained by methods. It's a kind of muscle memory that takes a lot of practice over years to get your hands to remember that grip.

2. Muscle Memory Benefits

For example, after a backhand break, then a fast belt on right. As for speed of swing at table, transition between a right hand and a back hand, as well as transition from a left hand to a right hand, there is no need to think much here, and you can change it naturally by developing a conditioned reflex.

3. How to build muscle memory

When we repeatedly use a technique, this technique is remembered and forms a conditioned reflex. Usually, formation time of our muscle memory is more than 14 days. it, form a conditioned reflex and thereby form muscle memory.

Second, difference between a shallow serve grip and a right and left grip

The difference between a shallow serving style grip and a right and left grip is that a shallow serving style grip is shallower and wrist rotates a little more, which can increase friction, speed and rotation of hand. ball and improve quality of serve.

1. Front Grip

Take racket in front next to right side of tiger's mouth and racket next to thumb. This grip not only relies on fingers to hold racket, it also relies on our palms to grab racket, just like holding a knife.

Note: If you have a strong right hand grip, you should not hold racket too tightly. If you hold racket too deep, it will have some effect on transition. The higher level of athletes, less hard grip.

2. Finger strength with a shallow grip when serving

In a horizontal grip, pinky, ring and middle fingers are released without applying force, while thumb and forefinger are used to grip racket, and three fingers can be relaxed and brought together. forehand The serve is served with a shallow grip.

3.Fa reverseRacket rotation

The counter-spin grip is slightly higher and other three fingers are released.

Looking at comparison, after applying, compression of wrist will be adjusted to a certain extent, which is a process from weak to tight, and then from tight to weak. Whether it's a right grip or a left grip, as long as muscle memory is formed and technique is familiar enough, it will switch naturally.

Ping-pong network organized by Liu Baosheng

November 24, 2023