Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed

Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed

Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed

The kick serve is second serve of choice for most professional athletes, and its importance to game is clear.

In previous article, we also analyzed many of technical aspects of top spin side feed.

Today, I'm mainly sharing 6 step top spin side serve training so you can easily master kick serve.

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6-Stage Top Spin Side Serve Training

Step 1

Fingers together, arms straight, use racket to drive ball from base of palm to fingertips.

This drill is mainly designed to experience upward movement of ball on a serve with side topspin, which is key to getting topspin on a serve.

Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed

Step 2

Increase force and push ball away from palm of your hand. Remember to fully extend your clapperboard arm to toss ball up. After hitting ball, keep your racquet hand straight and racquet head up. Next, understand upward action of topspin side delivery, and at same time you can clearly see ball spin and rise into air.

Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed

Step 3

Hold racquet by neck of racquet and swing racquet from left to right, kicking ball up, and turn racquet outward. This is key to lateral rotation when serving

Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed

Step Four

Stand on one knee and do same exercise on your side. Pay attention to throwing ball slightly behind you and drive ball all way through back arch.

The first kneeling practice is designed to simplify action of serving and focus on cleansing action of arms and strength of upper body lean back.

Second, reduce height of shot so that ball gets enough topspin to get ball over net.

Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed

Step Five

When standing in front of a high net and trying to hit ball over net, this exercise is similar to a kneeling serve because height of net increases so ball must get enough top spin to allow ball to pass net.

This is not only a good way to practice topspin side serve, but also a good way to test your training results.

Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed

Step Six

Practice what you've learned in real combat. Get on endline and serve with topspin and see if ball bounces up and to the right.

Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed

Note. The image in this article is taken from "Brian Dabul"

Tennis Kick Serve 6 step training, not really as difficult as it seemed
Xiaobai column can learn tennis at home, entry from scratch Author: Taimo Tennis ¥29.9 9 people bought View

November 01, 2023