A small lecture on volleyball: Practice kick for volleyball

A small lecture on volleyball: Practice kick for volleyball

Frontal Kick

The frontal strike is main striking method. The frontal kick is aimed at net, which is easy to observe and has high accuracy. Players can change route and force of kick at any time according to opponent's defensive layout, which is conducive to controlling point of impact, so it is best offensive method.

(1) Preparing pose: stand about 3 meters away from net with your legs apart in a natural position (right hand: stand with your right foot forward, left hand: stand with your left foot forward), with one foot in front, and other Stand on your back, front and back feet about shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, upper torso naturally leaning forward, arms slightly bent and naturally down to sides of torso, eyes closely following second pass, and ready to scatter at any moment and fly in all directions.

(2) Evaluation and run-up: judge first pass first, if ball is in place, it can be flattened, fast break and other tactical balls; if ball is not in place, wait on second pass to look at direction of ball before moving forward; especially if adjusting ball is out of place, it is necessary to look at exact direction of second pass, ball speed, arc height, ball trajectory length, touchdown point open net and close to net, etc. before starting run-up (little note: when ball is in air, when you start to fall, you can scatter.

The purpose of run is to get closer to incoming ball, choose right takeoff point, get good at takeoff time so that body can gain enough horizontal run-up speed to increase height of jump and make spikes more powerful. Time, direction, footwork, speed and rhythm of run are determined according to direction, speed and arc of flying ball. Therefore, it is necessary to fully master footwork of one-step, two-step, three-step and multi-step approaches. A two-step approach is most commonly used, with right-handed players running with their left foot first, then their right, and left-handed players running with their right foot first, then their left foot. Running speed from slow to fast, step from small to large.

Taking a two-step run-up as an example: during run-up, take a step forward with your left foot, then quickly take a large step with your right foot and at same time swing your arms in an arc to sides, back and down from body, and move your right foot forward. The feet land first on heel and then quickly transition to a full foot landing. The left foot quickly rises and lands on front of right foot. Distance between two feet shoulder width apart. The toes turn slightly to right and knees bend in preparation for takeoff.

Pay attention to overclocking:

① The first run-up step should be small, goal is to, in order to align direction of upward step so that body can gain horizontal forward speed, second step should be large, goal is to get closer to ball and increase speed of run with right foot. The fulcrum when landing is in front of body, which contributes to braking.

② The run-up movement should be relaxed and rhythmic, not too strenuous, movements should be connected, without separation and pauses.

③ Judging during takeoff, pay attention to step up time, not too early and not too late, when second pass is low, approach step should be earlier; when second pass is high, it must be too late.

A small lecture on volleyball: Practice kick for volleyball
A small lecture on volleyball: Practice kick for volleyball
A small lecture on volleyball: Practice kick for volleyball

(3) Take off: Taking last step in run-up, two arms extended back around body, and left leg is in process of braking on ground, two arms positively swing forward from behind, after taking off from ground with both feet and taking off, and vigorously swing their arms along with repulsion, causing body to fly upwards, quickly stretching stomach and setting in motion whole body flying vertically upwards. The three movements of arm swing, step and jump, and abdominal stretch are all done in one go, without any disjointed superfluous movement in middle. It is commonly said that person's rebound speed is high, which refers to this connection.

Be careful when taking off:

① Quickly plant your feet on ground. When taking off, both legs must jump with fast and powerful movements in order to achieve highest jump height.

②When jumping straight, strength of three movements of stepping jump, arm swing, and belly expansion must be coordinated and coordinated. Only in this way can we work together to put most force on ground and get most jumping power.

③ Pay attention to takeoff time. If run-up step is too early, run-up movement must be slow, otherwise movement must be fast.

A small lecture on volleyball: Practice kick for volleyball

(4) Aerial photography: after takeoff, stretch your stomach and stretch your waist, then bend and raise your right arm, elbow slightly above shoulder, naturally place your right palm next to your eye, and naturally place your left hand on your chest. Keep body in balance, remember that right elbow should not be on shoulder, when angle between three points of elbow, shoulder and waist is about 135 degrees, movement is sufficiently stretched, hold breath in air, bend forearm to back of head, rotate upper body slightly right and quickly left. , and whip from back of head to front of right shoulder to break ball. When hitting ball, you need to raise your shoulders and straighten your arms to hit ball at highest point. The three points of point of impact, shoulders, arms and back are in a straight line, so that force of hitting back can be extended to palm and wrist through hands. When hit ball, five fingers slightly open and slightly bent to form a spoon shape, and maintain appropriate tension, wrap ball with whole palm, hit middle and top of ball with palm of your hand, quickly turn your wrist down and push ball forward with your fingers to make it turn and fell. The impact point is just above repulsion point and highest point of extension of arms.

Be careful when hitting ball:

① Accurate hitting ball. Hit ball in top middle or back middle with your entire palm so that whole palm covers ball and palm and wrist control direction, arc and landing point of ball.

② When hitting ball, you should raise your shoulders, fully extend your arms, and keep hitting ball high.

③ Swing your arms quickly, increase speed of your forearm swing, perform an obvious snapping action, and shake your wrist violently to increase force of hitting ball.

A small lecture on volleyball: Practice kick for volleyball
A small lecture on volleyball: Practice kick for volleyball

(5) Landing: The left foot usually lands first. To avoid damage to knee joint caused by landing on one foot first, try to land on both feet at same time. When landing, soles of feet must first touch ground and then pass to soles of feet. At same time, draw in your stomach and bend your knees to soften force of fall, and immediately get ready for next move.

Several different front spikes

1. Net spike A player who breaks ball within 50cm of net is called a net spike. This type of smash is characterized by many route changes, great power, high speed, short route and powerful attack. But it's easy to get blocked by enemy. Because ball is close to net, take-off point must be close to edge of net and attacker must jump vertically upwards to prevent fouls from touching net and crossing center line. After jumper takes off, upper body should straighten naturally, chest rises, and arms rise as high as possible. When hitting ball, use movement of chest to apply force, use shoulder as an axis to force arm forward and upward, and hit ball at top of front and top of right shoulder. ball, arm is fully extended, and upper back or back of ball is hit with whole palm. In middle and upper parts, use your wrist violently to make ball leave your hand and quickly enter opponent's field. After hitting ball, entire arm must be pulled back so as not to hit net.

2. Long net kick A player who hits ball more than 1.5 m from net is called a long net kick. This type of kick is mainly based on turning body and pulling abdomen to make arm swing to hit ball. It is characterized by high power, low arc and long line, making it difficult for opponent to block. After taking off, raise your head, chest, and stomach so that your body becomes an anti-bow. When hitting ball, swing your arm forward and up with a quick rotation of torso and pulling in abdomen and hit ball with a full palm on back middle or back middle and bottom at highest point in front of right shoulder. At moment ball is hit, arm must be fully extended, wrist must move quickly forward and down, and palm and wrist must control direction, arc and landing point of ball.


Fastball is a technique in which an offensive player jumps before or during second pass and hits ball quickly into opponent's field. Fastball is a traditional style of play in our country, characterized by fast speed, surprise and strong holding power.

(1) Close-up of a fastball: A fastball thrown about 50 cm (approximately arm's length) frombinder, called a fastball close-up. The close-up fastball mostly has a high attack speed, making it often too late for opponent to block and defend. The melee fastball not only has a good offensive effect, but also has a strong cover effect, which is a technique that a secondary attacker must master. The run-up distance of a fastball at close range should be short and angle between run-up path and net should generally be around 45°. The breaker setter must quickly and powerfully fly up to arm's length in front of setter, and when ball rises to height of one hemisphere above top of net, quickly sweep ball over net. When hitting ball, use chest and stomach movements to force forearm and wrist to swing quickly, and with whole palm, strike upper back or middle upper part of ball.

(2) Semi-fast ball: A semi-fast ball is a ball that bounces near setter and scores two hemispheres over net. A semi-fast ball is faster than a regular hit but slower than a fast ball. Players can use high point to clearly see opponent's blocking hand to change hitting technique and hitting route. The run-path of a semi-fast ball is usually at about a 45° angle to gillnet, and repulsion usually occurs quickly after second pass. The action of shot is basically same as in closed body fastball, mostly using an accelerated swing of forearm and wrist to hit ball. The take-off angle, take-off movement, and hitting method of this type of ball are same as close-bodied fastballs, but take-off time is later. quickly and powerfully jumps and breaks ball.

(3) Short and flat fast ball: The batter is about 2 meters from setter and kicker pockets ball with a low and flat arc that passes quickly along net, called a short flat. fast ball. Due to its high speed and flat arc, this kind of ball has a fast attack rhythm and many attack points on net, which is useful for avoiding opponent's block and has a strong containment and cover effect. The run-up distance is shorter when short, flat, fast ball is curved and general run-up direction adopts two types of run-up: vertical net and slant net. The takeoff route of inclined grid is about 30° from grid. Before hitting ball, angle and distance of run must be adjusted according to setter's position. fast flat arc. When hitting ball, swing your arm quickly to bring your forearm and wrist into acceleration and kick, and with your whole palm hit ball to your upper back or middle upper back. It is also possible to find point of impact during horizontal flight of ball by position of opponent's blocking hand.

(4) Flat Open Kick: Breaker is near marker #4 and breaksthrows a flat fast ball from a long distance from setter. This kind of spike has a low and flat arc of second pass and a high flight speed, so attack is sudden and wide, and it is easy to get rid of opponent's collective block. The run-up route for a flat open spike should be an outside run-up. After second pass is made, fly up near marker post and volley ball. The action of batting is basically same as short flat and fast pimples. Depending on position of shot, you can score an oblique or straight ball.

(5) Fastball adjustment: When first pass is out of place and far from net, second pass drives ball into net to attack fastball, which is called fastball adjustment. To adjust fastball, you must select angle, route, and takeoff run time according to setter's position, passing direction, and shot time. During run-up, observe, angle between run-up path and net should be small to follow flight path and ball's landing point, so that take-off point and flight path of second pass form an intersection. When taking off, left shoulder faces net diagonally while right hand follows ball and chases ball forward. When hitting ball, use a chest-holding and stomach-pulling motion to force arm forward and upward, and hit back and top of ball with your entire palm. When hand touches ball, wrist must clearly push in order for ball to spin upward.


Cheats for capturing points - of course, what you need to cooperate with this step is point after second pass! If it is a high ball in fourth position, then after ball has risen to highest point, at moment of its fall, golden third step should jump with all its might just beyond ball's landing point. Conversely, if your level is higher and you can chase fourth position to hit ball, then golden pace of capturing ball point should be started moment after the second pass is made! The premise is that your partner's setter level is high! This is a silent understanding of two people!

A small lecture on volleyball: Practice kick for volleyball

The image above clearly shows three second dots, two sides are flat, and fastball sync in backline.

Smike has a very important concept: relationship between person and ball. Click on ball, that is, temporary relationship between person and ball. The combination of these two spatial and temporal relationships determines whether final player-ball relationship is ideal. The key to maintaining a good relationship with ball is good run-up and jumping. This requires hitter to practice more during regular times, and to master rhythm of ball's steps and jumps at different heights and arcs skillfully and skillfully. reasonable. Where does every spike workout start? How many steps up? Where to jump? Air maneuver reasonable? It is only by understanding that you can achieve efficiency, otherwise, if you jump and dunk randomly, without understanding technical aspects, even 10,000 dunks will be in vain. It is clear that throwing 30 balls every day is better than throwing 100 fuzzy balls.

October 12, 2023