Unsurpassed volleyball charm, mastering basics of volleyball technique with two hands, I believe that your volleyball skills will also improve by leaps and bounds!

Unsurpassed volleyball charm, mastering basics of volleyball technique with two hands, I believe that your volleyball skills will also improve by leaps and bounds!

First, basic steps

Lead ball head first, stand with feet (left, right, front and back) slightly wider than shoulder width, toes in or forward, heels slightly up, knees slightly inward, upper body slightly forward and center of gravity forward. Landing on feet, arms are slightly bent and placed in front of skin, elbows are slightly laid back, eyes are fixed on the ball.

Unsurpassed volleyball charm, mastering basics of volleyball technique with two hands, I believe that your volleyball skills will also improve by leaps and bounds!

Second, shape of hand to hit with pad

Clench one hand into a fist and grasp clenched hand with other so that thumbs are parallel to front. The fingers of both hands are folded up and down, bases of palms are closed together, palms are closed together, and two thumbs are facing forward. When pad strikes ball, two arms naturally extend, heels of palms and two forearms are turned outward, and wrist is pressed down so that forearm above wrist joint forms plane of impact of pad.

Unsurpassed volleyball charm, mastering basics of volleyball technique with two hands, I believe that your volleyball skills will also improve by leaps and bounds!

Third, hand touches ball

Touching middle and lower part of ball with medial plane of radius about 10 cm above wrist joint.

Unsurpassed volleyball charm, mastering basics of volleyball technique with two hands, I believe that your volleyball skills will also improve by leaps and bounds!

Four actions

Facing a flying ball, stand with your feet apart, join your hands and slide them under ball, in a position about one arm's length from your waist and stomach, use a position about 10 cm above wrist joint to touch back, middle and bottom part of ball, and quickly push forward to move center of gravity. When hitting ball, both arms are extended and clenched, shoulders are raised, wrists are clenched, ball is directed forward. The power and direction of hit is controlled by coordination and interaction of upper and lower limbs. .

Unsurpassed volleyball charm, mastering basics of volleyball technique with two hands, I believe that your volleyball skills will also improve by leaps and bounds!

October 13, 2023