Learning to Play Volleyball, Chapter 4. First Line of Defense
Author: Dong Shii
May 29, 2022
The soldiers come to block, water covers. In previous article, I introduced you to one of extreme attacking techniques - hitting ball, and in this article I will introduce you to key defensive technique - block.
Blocking is a means that a defender can use to deflect an opponent's attack in volleyball (competition). In layman's terms, defensive team uses a method of blocking (not necessarily a direct block) to slow, reduce power, and divert ball from attacking team so that defenders in back row can take ball and create defensive counter-attack opportunities for team. A block is an effective block.
Blocking is one of basic techniques of volleyball. Refers to a player in air above net to block a ball batted by an opponent. It is first line of defense for defensive counterattacks and main means of scoring. So it's a proactive and aggressive defense. There are two types of individual blocking and collective blocking. The action consists of five interrelated parts such as preparation posture, movement, takeoff, aerial interception and landing. When blocking, you must use common sense and accurately choose place, time and space of blocking.
According to FIVB rules, blocking ball is not counted within three touches, that is, after blocking, team can also have three touches.
Blocking is one of basic techniques of volleyball. This is first line of defense and an important part of counterattack. A successful block can not only directly stop or block and block opponent's spike, but also directly score or qualify for serve by causing side to change from passive to active, weaken opponent's offensive power, and reduce pressure on side's defense. . In addition, effective blocking also poses a great psychological threat to opponent, weakens his spirit, and increases opponent's morale and confidence. With development of spike technology in direction of strength, height, speed, smart changes, etc., blocking is even more important. In addition, defense must actively use counter-attacking opportunities for side, and counter-attacking defense is key to winning a volleyball match. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly improve technical level of blocking and protection system.
Teach to play volleyball - block
Volleyball can have multiple rounds, which can improve its perception, and can also reveal some of problems of players, such as handling small balls, handling chaotic balls, adapting body during several rounds, etc.
However, if there is an attack, there must be a defense, and first level of defense is to block grid. When block does not stop opponent's attack, subsequent defense is especially important. Block opponent's attack at one time, so there must be protection from other players to prevent opponent from making a draw (bandit, but ball will fall on opponent's back line), and to prevent opponent's bandit from going out of bounds (the ball goes from blocking player's hand bounces outside field), so blocking is such, as long as there is a block, there must be a defense in order to increase effectiveness and guarantee chance of defense.
Let's imagine a single block first...
One action method with one block
Facing net, players stand with their feet shoulder-width apart, at a distance of 30-40 cm from net, bend their knees slightly, and naturally bend their arms in front of chest. The movement can be a parallel step, a cross step, a run, a forward step, or a lean forward. After taking off in place, lower your center of gravity, bend your knees, push off hard on ground and make your body soar vertically. If you are jumping after move, turn your toes towards net as you brake and use your arms to swing to help you jump. When blocking net, both arms are extended from front of forehead parallel to net to front and top edge of net, arms are parallel, shoulders are as high as possible, arms are extended over net to sky above opponent as far as possible, arms are close to ball, and they are naturally open. Suddenly get nervous, bend your wrists hard and actively block ball to cover it.
Second, basic actions when blocked by one user
Individual locking is basis of collective locking. Its action structure is divided into five interrelated parts: preparation, movement, takeoff, air action, and landing.
(1) Preparing posture: players face net, stand up, feet left and right, about shoulder width apart and 30-40 cm from net. The knees are slightly bent, arms are bent, elbows are in front of chest.
(2) Movement: Commonly used footwork includes single step, parallel step, cross step, run, etc. avoid hitting net and colliding with teammates.
(3) Take off: While taking off in place, bend your knees and lower your center of gravity, then push off hard from ground, put your hands on your shoulders hard, and rock back and forth in an arc near your body's side to help your body rise quickly. After moveIn this case, repulsion is same as when jumping on spot, but attention should be paid to deceleration, and movement and repulsion should be closely related.
(4) Flying: As you jump, extend your arms up from front of net, keep your arms straight and parallel, and lift your shoulders. When blocking, arms must be extended over net to get close to ball. Open your arms naturally, bend your fingers and bend your wrists into a hemisphere. When touching ball with hand, arms should be sharply tensed, and lower wrist should cover front and top of ball.
(5) Landing: After blocking ball, move your chest to your chest to keep your body balanced. The arms should be swung or raised one after other, pulled away from net to sky above one's side, and then bent to remove hands so as not to touch net. At same time, knees were bent for buffer, both feet landed on ground, and then turned to face backcourt, ready to receive ball or prepare for next action.
Third, technical analysis of individual blocking
(1) Selecting Position of Blockers: During blocking phase before scoring, blockers may stand slightly further from net, approximately 50 cm from net. After determining position of opponent's spike or braking last run-up step, take-off point should be closer to net so that push-off can increase height of block and avoid a miss. ball. Under normal conditions, players #2 and #4 take their positions 1.5m from touchline, with players #3 in middle. However, when opposition's attacking tactics are center running, players in positions 2 and 4 should be relatively close to middle position, about 2-2.5m from touchline. Players in positions 4 and 3 must stand. a little closer to middle, and players in position 2 should stand closer to touchline.
(2) Blocker Movement: The block movement direction is mostly sideways and obliquely forward. The footwork used in movement can be summarized as: "step forward, close step, middle cross, long run".
① Jump one step. To increase jump height or use overlapping blocks, in preparation for a block, station may be one step away from net to make it convenient to step forward or diagonally forward for a run-up and take-off, but a braking action must be performed to maintain a vertical take-off upwards .
② Move in parallel. Used when approaching sides. Its characteristic is that it can keep facing net, which is convenient for observation and easy to take off at any time, but movement speed is relatively slow.
③Cross step. Suitable for use on medium distances. It is characterized by high driving speed, strong braking ability and large control range. After cross step, when feet touch ground, toeslegs should turn towards net.
④ Run. Used when traveling long distances. It features long travel distance and high speed, but requires high braking. For example, when running to right, first turn body to right, and when running on net to starting position, step with left foot (inner foot) to brake, and then step forward with right foot so that both feet are parallel, toes are turned towards net, and then took off. If fingers turn towards net too late, they should turn around during jump in take-off process to ensure they can collide with net to block after jump. To increase height of block, run and takeoff can be connected to become run and takeoff.
The following is removal of block...
① Jump position. In case of correctly determining opponent's attack path, blocker must choose a position that can block opponent's main attack path for a break. When blocking a regular ball, jump towards opponent's runway; when blocking a fast ball, choose to jump between setter and hitter; push off from 2-3 meters from hand; when blocking initial kick, jump should be chosen from a place at a distance of 50 to 80 cm from touchline; when blocking a player of back line for spike, you should choose line formed by tip of spike of opposing team and two lower corners of your Court Takeoff from center position of included corner.
②Take off time. Mastering correct takeoff time is basis for a successful lockdown. The blocker's break time should be determined based on height of second pass, distance from net, break time of breaker, and characteristics of breaking action. If second pass is a high ball from far net, then take-off should be later; if it is a low ball from near net, then take-off should be earlier. As a general rule, blocker should jump later than attacker. But if you need to block a fast ball, blocker must fly at same time as attacker.
③Take off action. Before blocking jump, make full use of swing of hand to help jump. If it's too late, you can draw a small arc in front of body and with a small swing make body jump vertically. Typically, fast takeoff method is used to block fast balls to achieve shallow squats and fast jumps, mostly using calf strength;
Let's talk about blocking method...
①Elongation of arm.
When blocking ball, arms should be as straight as possible, shoulders should be as high as possible, forearm should be close to net, and distance between palms should be less than diameter of ball to prevent ball from leaking. The pull must be timely. If it is too early, it is easy for attacker to go out of bounds or avoid being hit by blocker. If it is too late,just in time to block spike. As a rule, it is better to extend your arm at moment opponent hits ball.
② Blocking action.
When blocking ball, both hands should take initiative to block or cover ball so that ball's rebound angle is small and difficult for opponent to defend. In order to prevent opponent's bandits from going out of bounds, outer palms of players in positions 2 and 4 should be slightly turned inward. When blocking tennis balls, to increase point of blocking, instead of pressing on wrist, you can straighten your arms and wrists as much as possible. If opponent is hitting ball at a high point and cannot cover ball, you can use wrist swing back method to intercept spike's route and block ball up.
③Main technical details
evaluate movement and jump in time, swinging both arms and stretching edge of net;
Let's talk about collective block...
Collective blocking means that in volleyball two or three players approach each other to block net. When one of players touches ball, collective block ends. Collective blocks are divided into two-person blocks and three-person blocks.
The following is a block for two people and a block for three people...
First, double block
The double block is one of basic moves in volleyball. Refers to two players above net who block a ball batted by other side. It is first line of defense for defensive counterattacks and main means of scoring. So it's a proactive and aggressive defense. The action consists of five interrelated parts such as preparation posture, movement, takeoff, aerial interception and landing. When blocking, you must use common sense and accurately choose place, time and space of blocking.
A defensive tactic of double blocking. There are two defensive tactics: "heart padding" and "lateral observation" in double blockage.
(1) Defensive tactic "From bottom of my heart." Also known as "medium follow-up" or "6" This defensive tactic is used when opponent has a strong spike and is good at light crosses. The player in position 6 is moving forward near limit line, protecting front block and ready to receive opponent's cross. But there is a big gap between players in positions 1 and 5 and closer to endline. Therefore, in defense against a blocker, it is first of all required to block middle, and players in positions 1 and 5 require a high degree of flexibility and defensive skills.
(2) "Follow-up" defensive tactics. It is used when opponent's striking power is greater, there are more striking paths, and more strikes from above can be used. The player in position 1 follows boundary line to protect block and catch ball. If opponent bends a straight ball and does not continue, main disadvantage of "following" is that a large gap is left.
Double block at positions 3 and 4
Double block at positions 2 and 3
Second and third blocks
The opponent's main smasher is very strong offensively. If he is not good at lobbying, he can use a 3-man defensive formation to block and a 3-man to catch ball in back line. This formation strengthened online strength, but defensive gap also increased relatively. When 3 people block net, defensive #6 in back row can continue to defend at offensive line or step back to defend at end line. A block of three, regardless of second, third or fourth position, because center line basically does not concede a fast ball, so there is usually no one left on the center line.
Block of three people
Block of three people
The following are rules and precautions for blocking...
1. When blocker touches ball, block is considered complete and only front row players can block.
Secondly, a blocked ball does not count towards team's kick time. After touching blocked ball, team has three hits left to get ball into opponent's field.
Third, first throw after a block can be taken by anyone, including player who touched ball when block was blocked.
4. Provided that it does not interfere with actions of an opposing player, player may extend his arms and hands over net while blocking ball, but may not touch ball over net before opposing player has completed his attack.
5. The opponent's serve cannot be blocked.
One or more blockers can have successive (fast and consecutive) touches during a single blocking move. When blocking, blocking player may extend an arm or arm over net, but this must not interfere with opponent's play. That is, you cannot touch ball over net before opponent makes an attack. Blocking touches do not count as a team throw. Therefore, after block touches ball, team still has right to kick ball back to opponent's field three times. The team's first throw after a block may be taken by any player, including player who touched ball at time of block. Blocking is prohibited when opponent is serving. The following fouls are blockers: The blocker touches ball in opponent's playing area before or during opponent's attack on ball. A back row player or Libero completes a block or participates in a group block. Block ball when opponent serves. Block ball out of bounds. Crossing net from behind marker post into opponent's playing space to block. The Libero tries to block or tries to participate in a group block.
Although so-called effective blocking means that defending side uses blocking techniques (not necessarily direct blocking) to slow down, reduce power and change direction of ball from attacking side, so that defenders in back row can take ball. Blocks that create opportunities for defensive counterattacks, meaning effective blocks are not limited to direct blocking...but if offensive team scores with a well-placed shot, it will be a very exciting topic. Conversely, if defensive team is in state of "If they can block net directly and score points, sense of accomplishment they will get will be self-evident."
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