Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

The technical action of a player hitting ball in opponent's field with his hand or hand in service zone is called serving.

The serve is beginning of game and also beginning of attack. The first ball at beginning of game is serve. If you want to win game, start is very important. The serve must be aggressive and threatening.

Main service ideology:

The first one is to strike a preemptive strike, seek initiative and immediately score;

Secondly, to destroy first pass and tactical intention of opponent, which makes it difficult for opponent to attack and increase his psychological threat;

Thirdly, to instill confidence in team members, reduce defensive load of team, get rid of passive situation and create conditions for a counterattack.

Therefore, mastering skills of serving in air volleyball is crucial to outcome of game.

In air volleyball, variety of serving techniques is very rich, and different techniques have their own characteristics and application scenarios.

Below, we present eight commonly used air volleyball service moves that will help you make a difference in game.

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Serve from front

The front serve is an easy-to-learn technique in which player stands facing net and swings his arm from back to front of stomach.

This technique is suitable for beginners as there are fewer misses when serving, but it is less aggressive.


1. Preparing posture: legs apart, left leg in front, knees bent, upper body leaning forward, left hand holding ball in front of stomach.

2. Throwing ball: Throw ball to right side of body with your left hand at a height of about one ball. At same time, move your right arm back from behind your shoulder.

3. Kicking ball: Push off ground with your right foot, shift your body's center of gravity from your back to front with your right hand, and hit ball with base of your palm at bottom. ball. After hitting ball, quickly move forward onto court.

Technical analysis:

1. Using your shoulders as support, swinging your arms from behind, you increase your turning speed, control angle and trajectory of ball, and increase your accuracy and aggressiveness.

2. Hit ball with your spoon-shaped palm, tensing your fingers and wrists to ensure a steady shot.

Top Tips:

"Throw your left arm low, place your right arm behind your shoulder, do not bend your elbow when hitting ball, and hit ball with base of your palm."

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Side feed

Side feed is a type of feed technique. The player stands on side facing court, swings arm forward from back and underside of body through rotation, and hits ball below shoulder.


1. Preparing posture: The left shoulder of player is facing net, feet are apart from side to side at about shoulder width, knees are slightly bent, upper body is slightly forward, center of gravity is between legs, and left hand holds ball in front of stomach.

2. Throw ball: Throw ball with your left hand exactly in front of your chest, about one arm's distance from your body, and height of ball from your hand is about one hemisphere.

While throwing ball, swing your right arm back and down to right.

3. Kicking ball: use power of right leg to twist to left to force right arm forward and upward.

Fingers and wrists should be properly tensed, and five fingers should be placed together in shape of a spoon.

Hit ball with whole palm in front of stomach, and after hitting ball, body is transferred to net and enters court.

Technical analysis:

1. Use kicks and twists to get your arms moving, which can increase your delivery power.

The batting arm should swing from lower right side of body forward and upward at an angle.

2. The point of impact on ball should not exceed height of shoulder, and pay attention to control of angle and route of impact.

When ball is released at high elevation, ball will fly high. If elevation angle is too low, it is not easy to pass grid.

3. The batting technique consists of hitting back and bottom of ball with a full palm, heel, or tiger's mouth.

Top Tips:

"Toss ball low in front of stomach, rotate arms, hit bottom of ball and control ball's trajectory."

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

First Person Delivery

The overhead front serve is a service method in which server faces net, uses stomach pull and body twists to force arm to accelerate and slash forward, and then hits ball over net with entire palm over net. front of body over right shoulder.


1. Preparing posture: facing net, stand with both feet naturally, left foot in front, right foot behind, left hand holding ball in front of stomach, and center of gravity is on back foot.

2. Throwing ball: throw ball with your left hand evenly and above your right shoulder at about arm height. When throwing ball with your left hand, right hand bends elbow and pulls back, elbow is at same level. shoulder, and upper body turns slightly to right and back, with help of kicks on ground, upper body turns from right to left, causing batter to sway.

3. Batting: When ball is hit, waist and chest drive shoulders, shoulders drive shoulders, shoulders drive forearms, and forearms drive wrists.

The palm naturally opens into a spoon shape that matches ball. Cover ball with your whole hand. When hit in middle of ball, wrist is pushed forward quickly and actively, causing ball to fly with topspin.

Point of impact is highest point above right hand that enters field immediately after ball is hit.

Technical analysis:

1. In preparatory pose, left leg should be pushed forward so that you can easily extend your arm and naturally turn body to right.

The place of service should be chosen in accordance with formation of opponent receiving service, purpose of attack and characteristics of server.

2. When throwing ball, you should raise your hands up, and throw ball in front of you 30 cm with movement of palm forward, height of ball from hand is about 1 meter.

The ball must be tossed upward smoothly, without bending wrist so as not to turn ball and deviate from vertical line of upward throw, which will lead to an inaccurate hit.

Tossing ball too far will cause hand to push ball and make it difficult to pass over net; throwing ball too far cannot fully unleash power of turn and belly; throwing ball too high makes it difficult to catch movement rhythm and timing of hitting ball, throwing ball If it is too low, force of hitting ball cannot be fully utilized, and point of impact cannot be improved.

When right arm is pulled back, it is necessary to bend elbow and lift it up, fully stretching muscles of chest, abdomen and front of shoulder joint, in order to increase working distance and power of blow.

3. In arm swings, power begins with kicking ground with both feet, upper body quickly turns to left, and stomach is pulled in at same time, waist and chest drive shoulders, shoulders control thethe arms, forearms govern forearms, forearms govern wrists, and finally, send energy to your hands.

When hitting ball, movement of forearm and wrist must be uniform and not rotate from side to side.

The amount of pushing action of wrist should be adjusted according to position of hitting ball. When point of impact is high or close to body, wrist should be pulled back and pushing action should be a little more; When wrist is back, push is slightly less to avoid hitting ball out of bounds or into net.

Top Tips:

"Throwing ball must be steady, hitting ball must be accurate, technique must be correct, and power must be appropriate."

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Float front

The overhand forward serve is a method of serving ball similar to overhead forward serve. The force of impact passes through center of gravity of ball, so that sent ball oscillates and flies unevenly without spinning.

This type of serve makes it difficult for receiver to know exactly where ball will land and when to hit it.

The server faces court so that you can easily observe situation and aim at target to find opponent's weak spot.


1. Preparing posture: stand facing ball, feet naturally forward and backward, left foot half a step forward, right foot behind, center of gravity is on back foot, and left hand holds ball in front of chest.

2. Throwing ball: Hold ball with your left hand at a certain distance and throw it exactly over front of your right forehead. The height of ball should be slightly above point of impact. Pull back, with your elbows properly bent and above your shoulders, keeping your eyes on kicking part of ball.

3. Hitting ball: When throwing ball with left hand, right hand bends elbow and takes it back to shoulder level, and then hits flat from back to top. not an arc, but a straight line from back to front. When hitting ball, put your fingers together, tilt your wrist slightly, strike middle and bottom of ball with your palm, swing your arms small and fast so that force passes through center of gravity of ball.

The area of ​​effect should be smaller, range should be shorter, and force should be concentrated.

Apply force suddenly, quickly and in short bursts without pushing wrist. At moment of hitting ball, hand should stop abruptly.

Technical analysis:

1. To hit ball, throw must be smooth and not too high.

When throwing ball, left hand must lift ball up a certain distance, and height of throw must be slightly above point of impact.

2. The pitch angle value must be changed according to height of players.

For tall, strong and explosive players, pitch angle should be smaller, otherwise pitch angle should be larger.

3. The strength of float ball mainly depends on swing of arms. The range of motion may be less, but force must be sudden, fast and short.

If you send float a long distance, range of motion can be increased accordingly to get a higher initial speed.

When hitting ball, palm contact area should be small, force should be concentrated and short, and wrist should not lean forward or shake from side to side.

4. To increase point of impact and increase aggressiveness, you can use bouncing and flying balls.

This kind of serve doesn't have to take off with all its might. When ball is tossed to highest point, players must also jump to highest point in time to hitb on ball.

When hitting ball, movement of hand is small and fast, and force passes through center of gravity of ball, causing ball to fly forward without spinning.

Top Tips:

"Throw ball a little lower and a little forward, turn your arm in a straight line, hit ball with your palm and heel through center of gravity, after hitting stop abruptly without bending your wrists."

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Hook ball

Hook serve is a method of serving in which server stands sideways to court and swings his arms using a pivoting motion so that sent ball does not spin but flies forward erratically.

This type of delivery, since server is on side, can make full use of twist of waist to make arm move faster, which makes it easy to apply force, has less stress on shoulder joint, and has strong aggressiveness. Suitable for serving at various distances.


1. Finished Pose: Stand side by side, legs naturally apart, left hand holding ball in front of chest.

2. Throw ball: Use your left hand to send ball and smoothly throw ball forward and into top of your left shoulder, slightly above height of your strike.

When throwing ball, right arm is relaxed and swings to side, back and down from body, and body's center of gravity shifts slightly to right.

3. Hitting ball: When hitting ball, plant your right foot on ground, turn your upper body to left to apply force, and swing your arm.

When swinging, keep your arms straight and hit back, middle, and bottom of ball with edge of your hand, half-clenched fist, or base of your thumb on front and top of your left hand. shoulder and shift body's center of gravity to left leg.

Before hitting ball, trajectory of swing of hand must be straight.

When hand touches ball, bring your fingers together, swing your wrist back and maintain tension.

After hitting ball, there is a sudden stop in movement of hand, so that ball and hand quickly separate.

Technical analysis:

1. When throwing ball, left hand should lift ball from bottom to top for a certain distance, and then throw it away from hand. This can shorten throw distance, slow down ball's lifting speed, make throw stable and easy to hit position.

2. The hook float cannot use maximum explosive force of whole body to hit ball, but based on coordinated movements of lower limbs and waist, use shoulder as axis, and use relaxed and fast swing force to hit ball.

When hitting ball, force must be concentrated, and force must pass through center of gravity of ball. There should be no additional wrist movement. Do not bend or twist your wrist.

3. The shape of hand to hit ball can be determined according to personal circumstances, but once determined, do not change it arbitrarily.

Among above three forms of palm-heel flat batter is more commonly used when hitting ball because it has a concentrated hitting force and a hard flat, so effect is better.

Top Tips:

"Throwing ball should not be high, throw should be coordinated, do not bend wrist when hitting ball, and its leasy to bear when it suddenly stops."

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Reliable Hook

In this type of serve, you can take full advantage of power of your belly to force your arm to swing hard to hit ball.

In current air volleyball competitions, such a hook is often used for a vigorous serve.

This kind of feed is characterized by high speed, big force, flat and low arc. As ball spins forward, speed at which ball falls increases. Aggressively.


1.Pose preparation: Stand with your left shoulders facing each other, feet naturally shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, upper torso leaning forward, center of gravity between feet, slightly to right with foot, hands or left hand, hold ball in front of stomach .

2. Throwing ball: Throw ball smoothly and vertically to a height of about 60 cm above left front of head, move right hand back to right and look at ball.

3. Kicking ball: right foot is firmly planted on ground, chest is lifted, body is turned, and arm is quickly swung up.

When hitting ball, you need to look at ball, quickly draw in chest, draw in stomach, turn torso. The center of gravity of body is shifted to left leg. The striking arm should be extended to improve point of impact. The hand that hits ball should be slightly open to form shape of a spoon, hit back middle of ball with a full palm and add a quick and obvious push from wrist forward to make ball fly forward in topspin.

If point of impact is too forward, ball will not go through net. If point of impact is too late, ball will fly out of opponent's field. You must hit ball in middle and bottom of back.

Technical analysis:

1. When tossing ball, smoothly throw ball forward and above left shoulder, to a height of about 60 cm.

During throw of ball, right arm relaxes and swings sideways, back and down from body, and body's center of gravity moves to right.

2. When you hit ball with your hand, trajectory of hand oscillates in an arc. At moment of hitting ball, spread your fingers and palms to match ball.

Top Tips:

"Throw ball smoothly vertically, center of gravity is on right foot, hit ground and turn arm, quickly push wrist."

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Jump Serve

A jump serve is a service method in which server uses a run-up to jump up in air and hit ball into opponent's field as if after end line.

This is an aggressive and threatening service technique often used in air volleyball games.


1. Ready posture: The server stands facing net and is 2 to 4 meters from endline and places ball with right hand or both hands to side or in front of stomach.

2. Throwing ball: Throw ball over right shoulder with right hand or both hands. The height of throw is usually about 1 meter above shoulder to make ball land close to end line.

3. Take-off run: after throw, server quickly takes 1 or 2-3 steps forward for a run-up and repulsion. way with a large range.

4. Posture in air: after takeoff, keep chest and abdomen protruding, body in shape of an anti-arch, right arm is bent at elbow, arms are laid back, five fingers are natural. Spoon out and your wrists should be relaxed.

5. Hitting ball in air: When hitting ball, use your belly to force your arm forward and upward, grab ball with your entire palm, and push your wrist forward to make ball fly with top of spin.

6. After hitting ball, try to land with both feet on ground at same time, bend your knees for a buffer, and quickly get on court.

Technical analysis:

1. Throwing ball is basis for a good jumping serve. When tossing ball, hold ball with one hand and throw it from below into top front of kicking hand. When ball leaves hand, palm and fingers give ball a swinging action, and direction of force passes through back and bottom of ball's center of gravity to make ball move forward.Create top spin when throwing from above.

The height and distance of throwing ball should be determined according to specific situation of players. Players who are tall and have strong jumping ability can throw ball higher and farther from body so that they can exercise their height and strength advantage.

It is generally recommended to use batting hand to throw ball with one hand, which promotes coordination and interaction of movements during run-up.

2. The purpose of run-up is to prepare for jump and hit ball, as well as to get more horizontal speed.

Using a one-step run-up can effectively choose a reasonable take-off time and improve ability of players to judge landing point of a thrown ball.

Using two or three steps to take off, as distance of run increases, it is beneficial to improve speed of run and strength of forward jump.

3. Breakaway footwork can be divided into parallel footwork and walking footwork.

Combined footwork is highly adaptable and can adjust takeoff time. Currently, most peopleuse this type of repulsion.

Using a jump forward to take off is more suitable for jumping forward on a jump serve than a parallel jump on two feet. It is useful to move forward position of body's center of gravity and increase initial velocity of body's center of gravity, as well as put body in a comfortable position for jumping forward.

At same time, it can further increase speed and height of body's center of gravity, and help to observe height and landing point of thrown ball and choose right time to take off.

When taking off and stepping together, when left toe brake is compressed and forefoot touches ground for first time, accelerate lift of arm up, which helps to maintain some forward momentum and increase height of jump.

4. The action of jumping and hitting ball in air is similar to that of a long net hit.

The range of body extension should be larger, when hitting ball, wrist should be accelerated and pressed, and action of squeezing palms and grasping ball should be more sufficient.

The force of ball being hit does not pass completely through ball's center of gravity, so topspin ball's landing point is closer to net than no-spin ball's landing point, which improves serve attack.

In this way, force of shot can be used better without causing ball to miss net or go out of bounds.

Top Tips:

"Before throwing ball, stand on your heel for a run-up, swing your arms and pedals, break away and turn your body into an anti-arch, and wrap your palm around ball in air."

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!


Crossing is a very useful technique when you want to attack your opponent and win a tennis match.

This kind of serve technique is characterized by a high arc, strong spin and high falling speed, which can effectively destroy opponent's return serve and cause you to have a certain degree of aggression.

The forehead is suitable for use outdoors or in elevated gyms, preferably in sunny conditions.

Before serving forehead, you need to choose a suitable position on tee, align your right shoulder with net, place your feet shoulder-width apart and hold ball with your left hand in front of you.

At same time, it is necessary to observe position of opponent and sun's rays in order to choose a good target for serve.

When serving, left hand smoothly throws ball forward from right shoulder at a moderate height.

When throwing ball, bend your knees, lower your center of gravity, lower your right hand and join five fingers or make a fist.

When hitting ball, you need to use your right foot to push off ground, stretch, and use strength of your waist and stomach to make your right arm sway a lot.

Using shoulder joint as an axis, quickly swing your arm up through side of body from below and hit tiger's mouth on lower left side of ball so that ball quickly rises up, turns to upper right side and jumps into opponent's court at high altitude .

The forehead will not only help you attack opponent, but also make you more confident in game.

Forehead training requires patience and perseverance, but once you master this technique, you can get more wins in game.

Never lose your serve again! These eight air volleyball serve skills will help you turn tide of battle!

In short, it is very important to master air volleyball service skills. Various techniques can be targeted to different opponents and scenarios, allowing you to play game with ease.

We hope that above eight air volleyball service skills will help you improve your technical level and become winner of game!

October 15, 2023