The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Air volleyball is a sport that requires skill and experience.

Even experienced players may run into some common technical issues.

These issues can result in lost games and affect player confidence and performance.

To play game, players need to overcome these technical shortcomings and master necessary techniques and skills.

Here are some must-have tips for overcoming common technical mistakes in air volleyball:

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

Smash error

In volleyball, a very important technique is attacker's spike.

However, some attackers often make hitting mistakes, such as hitting, hitting ball out of bounds, and failing to pass over net.

So, what are causes of these errors?

Firstly, prediction of location of a flying ball is not accurate enough, and sense of distance is weak.

This means that they often fail to correctly assess position and speed of ball, as well as make correct decision to shoot.

Secondly, uncoordinated application of force prevents them from properly controlling direction and force of ball.

This can cause ball to go out of bounds or miss net.

To solve these problems, attackers need to pay attention to following points:

First of all, they must fully understand relationship between distance between person, ball and net in order to more accurately predict position and speed of ball and make correct shot decisions.

In addition, they must constantly train and improve their sense of distance in order to better control direction and power of ball.

Secondly, they need to have an intelligent understanding of coordination relationship between takeoff time and arm swing strength in order to better control direction and power of ball.

To do this, attackers must have a good sense of time, space and rhythm, as well as constantly train and improve.

Lastly, attacking players should pay attention to details of their striking technique.

For example, they should keep their balance, relax their arms and wrists, keep their eyes on ball, etc.

This can help them better control direction and power of ball to avoid problems such as pimple errors, out-of-bounds and conceding goals.

In short, spike attack is a very important skill that requires constant practice and improvement from attackers.

Comprehensively capturing relationship between distance between person, ball and net, intelligently capturing coordinating relationship between takeoff time and arm swing power, paying attention to details of technique's strike, etc., attackers can better master this technique and perform at a higher level in the competition.

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

Separation of arms and legs" serves as a return

In volleyball, acquisition and retention are very important skills.

However, when some players are far away, saves tend to be delayed.

This may be because they did not anticipate approaching ball in advance, but unilaterally and subconsciously reached out to rescue it, but their feet did not leave ground, resulting in a delayed rescue. In this case, players need to learn basics of correct action in order to better control direction and power of ball.

The correct action is necessary for simultaneous use of eyes, arms and legs.

In case of receiving a serve or keeping ball at long range, player needs to make an effective prediction before ball goes over net and roughly predict direction and location of ball.

This requires players to have a good sense of distance and anticipation.

At same time, players need to move in small steps and in a low posture in order to catch ball all time.

This can help them better control their body balance, accurately sense direction and strength of ball, and react faster.

In addition, players should also pay attention to following points:

First of all, you need to stay focused and calm.

Internal perseverance often leads to wrong decisions when serving or saving.

Therefore, players need to stay focused and calm in order to better understand direction and power of ball.

Second, you must constantly practice and improve.

Acceptance and retention are skills that require many hours of practice and experience.

Constant practice and improvement allows players to better control direction and power of ball and react faster.

Finally, you need to pay attention to your fitness.

Receiving and hitting ball requires players to have good physical qualities, such as flexibility, reaction speed, explosive strength, and so on.

Therefore, players need to improve their fitness through training and exercises in order to better master this technique.

When receiving and deflecting ball from a long distance, players need to learn basics of correct action, do a good job of leading and keep moving in small steps and in a low posture to catch ball at all. once.

By staying focused and calm, constantly practicing and improving, and paying attention to fitness, players can better master this technique and play at a higher level in game.

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

Setting "Waiting for Bunny" style

In volleyball, setter is one of key elements of a team's attack.

The setter must stand within 2m line in front of net, wait for first pass from a teammate, and then pass ball according to situation on court.

However, due to rapidly changing situation in game, first attacking side can have a very strong serve or spike attack, which will reduce speed of first pass of counter-attacking side or pilling speed of defense.

This is normal, but it also creates a lot of pressure and problems for binder.

In this situation, setter needs to adopt a proactive strategy by adjusting ball to attacker's near position and properly handling those balls that are not in place.

This can maximize effectiveness of tactical cooperation with offense, overcome use of special passive balls that impede adjustment, and adopt active defensive strategies.

In particular, installer should pay attention to following points:

First of all, you need to stay focused and calm.

In game, situation on court often changes, and internal pursuit of success often leads setter to erroneous decisions.

Therefore, setter needs to remain focused and calm in order to better understand direction and power of ball.

Secondly, common sense and speed of reaction are required.

In play, first hitter's serve or spike attack can be very strong, meaning setter needs to react quickly and make right decisions.

This requires setter to have common sense and speed of reaction, as well as appropriate preparation and training before game.

In addition, installer should also pay attention to following points:

1. You need to monitor situation on field and communicate effectively with teammates.

This helps them better control direction and power of ball and react faster.

2. Good technical skills are required, such as accurate passing, stable receiving and serving, flexible movement and so on.

This helps them better control direction and power of ball and react faster.

3. You need to keep practicing and improving your skills.

The setter is one of key links in a team's offense and it takes hours and hours of practice and experience to achieve best results.

With constant practice and improvement, setter can better control direction and power of ball and react faster.

In game, setter needs to use a proactive strategy, drive ball to attacker's near position and properly handle those balls that are not in place.

Keeping focused and calm, having a healthym sense and reaction speed, always paying attention to situation on field and communicating effectively with teammates, having good technical skills, continuously practicing and improving their technical level, etc., second pass. Hands can better master technique and prove themselves in game in best possible way.

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

Low level of tacit understanding among team members

Unspoken understanding between teams plays a vital role in team sports.

The degree of silent understanding refers to degree of silent understanding between team members in game, including cooperation in technology, tactics, defensive counterattack, and other aspects.

Teams with a high degree of tacit understanding can better take advantage of advantages among players to increase combat effectiveness and win rate.

However, some teams with little real combat experience lack effective communication and cooperation between players, which leads to some problems in game.

For example, there is little or no communication between players on field, resulting in a situation where two players are "facing each other" on a defensive counter-attack link.

In this case, team's ability to defend and counterattack is greatly reduced, and it is easy for enemy to break it.

To avoid this situation, team should focus on developing eye contact with each other, passing gestures, language communication and other behavioral habits.

This behavior can help players better understand intentions and actions of their teammates and respond in time.

For example, when defending against a counterattack, a player can convey his position and intention to another player with a look or gesture so that he can react in time.

In addition, team can also improve tacit understanding through some training and competition.

For example, in practice, behind scenes training such as passing for two, passing for three, etc. can be organized to help players better understand intentions and actions of their teammates.

Some tacit comprehension tactics such as coordinated attack, quick counterattack, etc. can be used in game to improve tacit understanding and coordination between players.

In addition, during game, team also needs to pay attention to following points:

1. Players must maintain good communication and cooperation.

During game, players need to communicate and cooperate in a timely manner in order to better understand rhythm and situation in game.

2. Players must have a good technical level and tactical knowledge.

In game, players must have a good technical level and tactical knowledge in order to better follow coach's instructions and tactical measures.

3. The team must have good psychological qualities.

During game, team must have good psychological qualities to cope with various emergencies and loads.

In short, tacit rapport between teams is a complex process that requires good communication and cooperation between team members, as well as good technical level and psychological qualities.

By cultivating mutual eye contact, hand gestures, language communication and other behavioral habits, as well as some training and competition to improve silent understanding, the team can better improve combat effectiveness and win rate.

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

The return of game: necessary skills to overcome technical shortcomings in air volleyball!

The above are some of necessary skills to overcome technical disadvantages of air volleyball.

Of course, this is just tip of iceberg.

To really master technique of air volleyball, you need to constantly practice and learn.

Joining an air volleyball club, training coaches and other players, watching feature films, and more can help you improve your skills and technique.

Finally, air volleyball is an exciting sport that not only trains, but also develops teamwork and leadership skills.

I hope this article will help you overcome your technical shortcomings in air volleyball and become a better player.

October 17, 2023