Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Rebound training plays an important role in air volleyball. It can improve player's jumping ability and explosive power, thereby improving player's overall strength.

The following are some unarmed exercises and special exercises for running and jumping, as well as issues to be aware of when learning to jump.

Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

Freehand Practice

1. Alternate left and right feet forward to perform jumping exercises.

This exercise helps players develop their leg muscles and balance.

Players can find a fixed point on field and then jump forward alternately with their left and right foot, trying to keep their body balanced each time they jump.

2. Squat on both legs and continuously jump forward.

This exercise develops lower body muscles and explosive strength.

The player can stand on field, then bend their legs, shift their body weight forward, jump up and move forward again. This process can be repeated.

3. Continuous vertical jumps in air for fast ab exercises.

This drill helps players develop their abdominal muscles and explosive strength.

Players can bounce on field, then quickly suck their belly into air and bounce again after landing.

4. Jump vertically and do 180 or 360 rotations in air.

This exercise helps players develop coordination and strength.

Player can jump on field, spin in air and jump again after landing.

5. Continuously jump with both feet, pull your legs in or spread your stomach after jump, or spread your legs back and forth, clap your hips and clap your hands.

This exercise can help players develop their lower body muscles and explosive strength, as well as improve player's coordination and flexibility.

Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

Special exercises for running and jumping

1. An exercise that imitates arm swings during repulsion.

This exercise can help players learn correct form and rhythm of takeoff.

Players can do imitation drills on field, simulating approach and take-off movements, while paying attention to rhythm of arm swings and breathing.

2. Run up and push off with both feet to constantly practice touching height.

This drill can help players improve jump height and power.

Players can run across field, then push off with both feet, touch continuously and repeat.

3. Combination of run and jump.

This exercise helps players practice correct approach and jumping technique.

Players can run up field in one step, then step and jump and repeat.

4. Continuous tennis training with run-up, take-off and dunk.

This drill helps players improve their jump height and spike ability.

Players can perform successive run-ups and jumps on field, and then repeatedly shoot a tennis ball from afar.

Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

Issues to be aware of when learning to jump

1. Avoid overtraining.

Jumping is a high-intensity workout and being overzealous can lead to muscle fatigue and injury.

Players must conduct appropriate training in accordance with their physical condition and training plan.

2. Pay attention to correct posture and technique.

Proper form and technique can help players perform jumping exercises more effectively and reduce risk of injury.

Players should ask their coaches about correct posture and technique, and practice and improve them during practice.

3. Strengthen nutrition and rest.

Strength training requires a lot of energy and nutrients. Players must manage their diet wisely, consume sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates and water, and at same time provide sufficient time for rest and sleep.

4. Observe security measures.

Rebound training may involve certain risks. Players must follow safety precautions while training, such as wearing appropriate athletic shoes and using the correct training equipment and equipment.

Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

Jumping ability UP! Training Techniques Air Volleyball Players Must Master!

Rebound training is very important for air volleyball players. It can improve player's jumping ability and explosive power, thereby improving player's overall strength.

When doing strength jumping training, players should pay attention to correct posture and technique, avoid overtraining, increase nutrition and rest, and at same time pay attention to safety measures.

October 19, 2023