To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!
Air volleyball is a very popular sport that tests not only physical fitness of athletes, but also their technical level and tactical adaptability.
In game of air volleyball, it is very important to master some basic offensive and defensive tactics that will allow you to take initiative in game, defeat opponent and win game.
Let's learn more about the basic offensive and defensive tactics in air volleyball.
Basic air volleyball offensive tactics
Air volleyball tactics refers to a form of team cooperation composed by players on field in accordance with rules of game of air volleyball, and action type is a planned, organized, strategic and purposeful standard combination of actions.
The total area of the field for air volleyball competitions is 12 m x 6 m, height of net is 2.1 m for men and 1.9 m for women.
The main tactical application of air volleyball is based on routine tactical coordination of players who can master basic skills. Practice has proven that this plays a vital role in actions of participating teams on ground.
1. One-Two-One Formation
The main setter stands prominently in front of net, and two positions to left and right are dominated by a second and fourth position attack, complemented by a third position attack.
Its peculiarity is that players on field take turns acting as setters as rotation changes and pass ball to attacker.
This offensive formation is characterized by regularity of second pass, ease of control and skill. It is accepted by most of teams in game.
2. Two-Two Scheme
Two people stand side by side in front of and behind 2m line and bottom line. Each person is responsible for attacking and defending surrounding area of almost 3 square meters.
The attacking position of attacker is not fixed, and players on field must have all-round skills, flexible thinking, able to attack and defend well, and flexible steps.
His offensive pattern is characterized by "throwing ball and attacking at multiple points" and can maximize advantages of players' "multi-point attack" on pitch.
3. "Connect" offensive formation
When main setter moves to back line due to a positional pass, you must quickly “turn on” to third position in front line to organize a pass and then attack according to rules.
Its feature is that it can basically maintain "regular and special positions" on field to carry out its duties and play role of a fixed-point attack and defense.
4. Attack scheme "Two balls"
The receiver directly adjusts ball to attacking players to organize attack, and accelerates organization of counterattack to enrich use of stealth running attack strategy in offensive tactics.
5. Offensive "retreat" formation
In accordance with objective factor that width of horizontal net is only 6 meters, setter pushes ball beyond 2-meter line of second and fourth positions. In accordance with attacking characteristics and take-off time of strong players, combined with execution of personalx special offensive abilities, comprehensively evaluate instantaneous switching of direction of their offensive route.
Basic defense tactics in air volleyball
1. Formation of a "single block"
One player (most of them are also setters) stays in front of net to block net, and rest of players automatically transform into a "half-fan" defensive formation according to position of their blockers to block "blind spot" behind blocker's hands .
2. Formation of "double bloc"
The two people in front row cooperate to set up block, and 2 people in back row are responsible for blocking "blind spot" outside blocker and transitioning to defense.
3. Formation of a "bloc of three"
Three people in front row block together and one person in back row presses on bottom line to protect front row players from blocking ball out of bounds and prepare for an opposing striker to push and hang ball. ball in 1st and 5th positions.
Aerial Volleyball Passing Tactics
The passing is a very important part of air volleyball game. A good pass can provide best defense both offensively and defensively.
The following are some common passing tactics:
1. Flat pass:
The flat pass is one of main passing methods in air volleyball and is also a relatively conservative passing method.
In a flat pass, player needs to pass ball into palm of a teammate so that he has enough time to reorganize attack or defense.
2. Throw a pass:
The throwing pass is a relatively advanced way of passing ball that requires players to be more technical and coordinated.
When making a pass, player should throw ball relatively high to give teammates enough time to adjust their positions and actions.
3. The buckle pass: The buckle pass is a relatively aggressive way of passing ball that requires players to be technically sound and able to see and hear all directions.
When making a pass, players need to find loopholes in opponent's defense and score ball into opponent's field.
General on-site skills and air volleyball tactics
1. The common offensive formation pattern of offensive teams adopts "one-two-one", "two-two" or "pull", etc.The characteristic is that it can give a full game for team multi-point offensive advantage, attacker moves quickly and adjusts position to keep ball at best possible distance from person.
The striker uses his peripheral vision to scan for weaknesses in opponent's defensive scheme before hitting ball and opens up a gap in opponent's defense by tapping, hanging or quickly breaking away and swinging his arms;
The defensive scheme of offensive teams generally takes form of a "block of two".
2. The defensive team's offensive scheme mainly uses one-two-one, exit, or running attack tactics.
Among them, one-two-one arrangement is most common. It is characterized by strong adaptability on spot, which can compensate for shortcomings of attacking from one position, and can effectively avoid opponent's double block, single block or "short" situation in front of net;
p>Increases speed of interception, which allows you to effectively avoid network attacks.
Defensive teams usually use a "single block" style, meaning one player (most of them are also setters) stays in front of net to block opponent's spike, while other 3 players retreat automatically according to defensive range responsible for man. The structure of chain series forms best defensive formation.
Air volleyballTactical adaptability
In air volleyball, tactical adaptability is also a very important part.
During game, you need to adjust your tactics and formation at any time depending on situation of opponent and situation with score.
The following are a few common tactical resilience indicators:
1. Quick Counter: Quick Counter is a very effective tactical adaptability that allows you to score quickly when your opponent is not ready. In a quick counterattack, you need to quickly pass ball to your teammates and then quickly move into opponent's defensive gap, waiting for your teammates to pass ball back.
2. Set up your defensive position: During game, opponent's attack method and attacker's position can constantly change, requiring you to adjust your defensive position and actions at any time.
When setting up a defensive position, you need to choose most suitable defensive position according to opponent's situation and your own defensive abilities.
3. Change your attack method: If you find in game that your attack method is already known to enemy, you might want to consider changing your attack method.
When changing your attack method, you need to choose a new attack method and silently cooperate with your teammates so that enemy cannot predict your attack method.
Mastering basic offensive and defensive tactics and tactical adaptations in air volleyball is key to winning game.
In game, you need to flexibly use different tactics and skills depending on situation of opponent and situation with points, in order to always maintain an advantage.
This article will help everyone achieve the best results in air volleyball competitions!
October 20, 2023
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