To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!
The single block in air volleyball is one of very important techniques in game. Its function is to effectively prevent opponent's scoring attack.
By blocking alone, you can reduce your opponent's chances of attacking, thereby increasing your chances of scoring points. In addition, a single block can also disrupt opponent's attacking rhythm, making opponent feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable when attacking, thereby increasing their chances of winning.
Therefore, individual blocking plays a very important role in the game, and it is a technique that every air volleyball player must master and skillfully use.
To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!
One Block Air Volleyball Action
(1) Ready position:
Facing net, players stand with their feet shoulder-width apart, at a distance of 20–30 cm from net, knees slightly bent, arms bent and elbows in front of chest.
(2) Move:
Commonly used footwork includes single step, parallel step, cross step, run, etc. No matter what type of moving footwork is used, braking must be performed to ensure upward jump and avoid touching net and collision with teammates.
When moving, depending on position of opponent's spike, block can be moved to left (or right).
(3) Takeoff:
There are two types of jumping in place and jumping in motion.
The technical action of jump is to bend knees, lower center of gravity, then push off hard from ground, and use shoulders to draw a small arc on front and upper side of body and swing up vigorously. bringing body to a vertical position.
(4) Aerial photography:
After body is in air, stretch both arms from front of forehead to top of head, straighten arms up, lift shoulders, distance between arms should be less than a sphere, spread fingers in form of a spoon and hold two index fingers parallel .
If opposing player #2 hits ball while own player #4 is blocking net, left hand on outside must be turned slightly inward; right hand should be turned inward slightly to prevent thug from getting away. beyond borders.
In a four-player game, when opponent hits ball, both of blocker's hands must take lead to "block shot" so that ball's rebound angle is small. and enemy is difficult to defend.
When blocking a spike, when opponent hits ball at a high point, you can swing your wrist back to block path of spike and lock ball up.
(5) Fit:
After blocking, move your chest to your chest to keep your body balanced. Land on both feet, then turn around to face backcourt, ready to receive ball or make your next setup.
To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!
Analysis of single blocking technique in air volleyball
(1) Selecting blocking players
Taking five-way system as an example, under normal circumstances, players in positions 2 and 4 stand 0.5-1 meters from touchline, while players in position 3 stand in middle.
When enemy is mostly running and attacking in middle, players in positions 2 and 4 should be relatively close to middle position.
(2) Blocking movement
The direction of movement of block is mostly sideways and obliquely forward.
The footwork used in movement can be described as follows: "Step forward, close step, medium cross, long run."
①One step movement: braking should be done well, and jumping should be done vertically upwards.
②Parallel movement: Approach both sides.
③Cross-step driving: Suitable for medium-distance driving, characterized by high driving speed, strong braking ability and large control range.
④Running: Used when moving a long distance.
(3) Lock takeoff
① Jump Position: The blocker must choose a position that can block opponent's main attack path.
When blocking a regular ball, you should push off facing opponent's run-in line, and when blocking an initial kick, you should push off at a distance of about 50 cm from touchline.
When blocking a player who is at a distance in back line from a kick, jumper must choose to take off center of corner formed by opponent's ball hit and line connecting two lower corners of his court.
②Kickback time: The correct kickoff time is basis for successful blocking. The blocker's kickback time should be determined according to height of second pass, distance from net - crusher shutdown time and breaking action characteristics.
If second pass is a high ball from far net, then take-off should be later; if it is a low ball from near net, then take-off should be earlier. In general, blocker should come out later than hisser.
③Take off: before blocking, make full use of arm swing to help lift off. If it's too late, draw a small arc in front of body and swing up vigorously. make body jump vertically.
As a rule, when blocking and attacking, method of crouching and high jumping is used. A fast ball is blocked by a fast break, a shallow crouch, and a fast jump, mostly by calf power.
(4) Lock method
In a five-player game, when ball is blocked, point of contact must be over own field.
Blocking hand shape: fingers naturally open and slightly bent, palm perpendicular to line of spikeor slightly retracted.
When touching ball, maintain some tension in your fingers and wrists, use your wrist and fingers to block ball past an opponent, or use control and buffer to block ball back to your side.
In a 4-player game players are allowed to pass a block with their hands, but must not touch ball until opponent has landed an attack hit.
The following two methods can be used to block.
①Arm Extension Movement: When blocking ball, arms should be as straight as possible, shoulders should be lifted, forearm should be as extended as possible over opponent's field, and distance between arms should be smaller. than diameter of ball to prevent ball from leaking.
The movement of hand must be timely. If it's too early, blocker can easily be out of bounds or evade it. If it's too late, it's hard to block ball in time. it is better to stretch arm at moment when opponent hits ball.
②Blocking Action: When blocking ball, two fingers and wrists should press down hard so that ball's rebound angle is small and it is difficult for opponent to defend it. When blocking a high free kick, to increase blocking point, you can use method of extending your arms up and throwing your wrists back to block cleat's path and block ball up.
(5) Basic technical details
Accurate assessment, fast movement, smooth braking, timely take-off, stretching out arms to cover ball.
To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!
Blocking is both a defense and an attack. It is first line of defense against counterattacks, an important way of scoring and an important part of counterattacks.
"If you don't block net well, you can't protect backline", which means that without effective blocking, it will be very difficult to protect backline. Blocking can not only stop opponent's attack, reduce pressure on back line defense, but also directly block ball, making it an important means of scoring.
At same time, blocking can also interfere with and destroy opponent's offensive tactics, weaken opponent's offensive energy, shake his confidence, and create psychological threats to opponent.
Therefore, level of blocking directly affects outcome of game, and improvement and innovation of blocking technology plays an important role in promoting the development of air volleyball.
October 24, 2023
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