Ten uses of spike technique in air volleyball

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Aerial volleyball has become a more common team sport and is loved by sports fans from all walks of life.

Smash is most active and effective attack in air volleyball. This is an important scoring tool, usually accounting for 60-70% of team's points, and is a key factor in winning.

The sweeping strike is most powerful and fastest behavior. A strong and tactical hit can make it difficult for opposition to block, defend, and counterattack so that side can successfully regain right to serve and score.

The attack power of a team often depends on skill of team. A successful spike should have good close coordination between first pass and second pass, but success or failure of spike reflects quality and effect of this tactical coordination.

Therefore, whether it is mass entertainment or various competitions, it is extremely important to master and apply techniques and tactics of spiking.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Turn Kick

In process of pushing or hitting ball, change in direction of upper body in a frontal kick is called a spinning kick.

When hitting ball, use motions of twisting to left and pulling belly into air to force hand to turn to left, and hit ball with entire palm from right side to change direction of spike. .

The twist and kick in air volleyball is a relatively complex technical action that requires certain skills.

Below are detailed step-by-step instructions:

1. Preparatory Action: Stand behind service zone, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold ball with both hands, lift ball over your head and get ready for action.

2. Take Off: Take a step forward, then jump forward with other foot while raising your arms for a better throw.

3. Turn body: in air, turn upper body to left and at same time hit right side of ball with whole palm. At this time, center of gravity of body was shifted. transferred to left leg.

4. Hitting ball: Turning body, hit ball with palm of your right hand so that ball flies to lower left corner.

5. Landing: After hitting ball, you must first touch ground with your left foot and then with your right foot to keep your balance.

It should be noted that twisting spike must be performed in air, so it is necessary to work out height and takeoff time.

In process of turning and hitting ball, it is necessary to pay attention to maintaining balance and stability of body.

This technique needs to be mastered through repeated practice, and it needs to be practiced in game in order to be better used.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Wrist rotation

When breaker hits ball, he suddenly uses shoulder, forearm and wrist rotation to change direction of shot, which is called Wrist rotation.

Outward carpal spike: when hitting ball, raise right shoulder and turn it to right, turn forearm outward, turn wrist to right and swing ball, while upper body and head deviate to left, and hit with whole palm. Above left side of ball, elbow joint should be straight when hitting ball to speed up swing speed.

Turn wrist inward to hit: When hitting, point of impact must be at top left front of head, forearm must be turned inward, wrist must be turned to left, and top right side of ball must be hit with entire palm.

The technique of twisting wrist to strike ball requires athletes to have high flexibility and reaction speed, and it must be constantly practiced and perfected.

1. Wrist strength training. Wrist training requires players to have strong wrist strength, so you can improve your technical level by training wrist strength. For training, you can use dumbbells, elastic bands and other equipment.

2. Shoulder and forearm strength training: Wrist rotation requires athletes to have strong shoulder and forearm strength, so technical level can be improved by training shoulder and forearm strength. For training, you can use dumbbells, elastic bands and other equipment.

3. Practice Shoulder and Forearm Rotation: Rotating wrist to hit ball requires athlete to rotate shoulder and forearm flexibly, so technical level can be improved by practicing shoulder and forearm rotation. Shoulder and forearm rotations can be practiced in air or on a wall.

4. Practice wrist swing: Wrist rotation requires athletes to swing their wrist, so you can improve your technical level by practicing wrist swing. Practice with a volleyball or other weight.

5. Practice hitting posture: Wrist rotation requires athletes to maintain proper posture while hitting ball, so you can improve your technical level by practicing hitting posture. Practice on wall or constantly correct your posture during competition.

These training methods can help athletes improve their technique and perform better in competition. But what needs to be noted is that you must pay attention to safety during training and follow instructions of the trainer.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Throw fastball

Fast ball is an effective way to win air volleyball quickly and deftly, as well as one of means of fast attack.

In a fastball dunk, dunker jumps before or at same time as setter passes ball and quickly swings his arms (mostly his forearm and wrist) to hit ball so opposing team doesn't have time. jump up and block net.

Short run-up distance and high speed to throw a fastball. After pass, approach is usually 45° to line of attack. The swing amplitude of upper body and arm is small, and forearm and wrist are mainly used to accelerate swing to hit ball.

To hit a fastball successfully, players must have high explosive strength, reaction speed and flexibility, and must adapt at any time depending on situation during game.

At same time, athletes also need to have a strong forearm and wrist to better control direction and speed of ball.

In general, hitting ball quickly is a highly technical air volleyball skill that requires athletes to have a high level of skill and reaction time, and requires constant practice and refinement in order to master this technique and achieve better results in game.

1. Improving Explosive Strength: Fastball dunks require high explosive strength from athletes, so you can improve your technical level by training to improve explosive strength. It can be used for climbing, jumping and other workouts.

2. Improving Reaction Speed: Fastball dunks require athletes to have high reaction speed, so technical level can be improved by improving reaction speed through practice. You can conduct training with ball, exercises for quick reaction and other training.

3. Train forearm and wrist strength: In Fastball, players need to have strong forearms and wrists, so you can improve your technical level by training forearm and wrist strength. For training, you can use dumbbells, elastic bands and other equipment.

4. Practice your run-up and take-off: For fastball dunks, athletes must be able to run up and take off quickly, so you can improve your technical level by practicing your run-up and take-off. You can practice on field or use equipment such as a skipping rope to train.

5. Practice hitting posture: Fastball requires athletes to maintain proper posture while hitting ball, so you can improve your technical level by practicing hitting posture. You can train on field or constantly correct your posture during game.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Bitter out of bounds

Distribution is a striking technique, as well as an effective attacking technique in volleyball.

This refers to a method whereby a player deliberately causes a spiked ball to touch blocker's hand and then go out of bounds.

When ball is passed into sky near offensive line, hitter aims at outside of blocker's outside arm and hits ball, and may also bend ball at blocker's fingertips to make ball go out of bounds.

In order to successfully use technique of striking, athlete must have a high level of technique and reaction speed, as well as adapt to situation at any moment of game.

At same time, athletes also need to have a strong forearm and wrist to better control direction and speed of ball.

Kicking out of bounds is an air volleyball skill with a high technical content. It requires athletes to have a high level of skill and reaction time, and it also requires constant practice and honing in order to master this skill and use it well in game. work better.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Overhand splash

Using one's own height and jumping advantage, a method of hitting ball into opponent's court from sky above blocker's hand.

You should make full use of your running jump to increase your jump height and maintain a higher point of impact. Use movement of chest to control swing of arm.

When hitting ball, arm is fully extended upwards, and forearm is used to accelerate swing and wrist movement, as well as to hit middle and top of ball with whole palm, so that ball will fly in a long topspin line above blocker's arm.

But in air volleyball, due to smaller size of field, players need to react faster and more accurately align position of blocker's hands.

The following are some of tricks and methods for training air volleyball overhand stroke:

1. Improve jumping ability: Air volleyball overhead shots require athletes to have higher jumping ability, so you can improve your jumping ability with practice to increase your technical level. You can do jumping rope, pedal training, high jump and other training.

2. Practice your run-up and take-off: air volleyball overhead kick requires players to run up and take off before hitting ball, so you can improve your technical level by practicing run-up and take-off. off. You can practice on field or do trapezoid running, explosive training and other workouts.

3. Practice hitting posture: In air volleyball, overhead hitting requires players to maintain proper posture, so you can improve your technical level by practicing hitting posture. You can train on field or constantly correct your posture during game.

4. Practice Accuracy: Air volleyball requires players to be able to accurately hit ball above blocker's hand, so skill levels can be improved by practicing accuracy. Practice on field or constantly adjust your shot position during game.

5. Wrist Swing Practice: Air volleyball overhand strikes require athletes to use forearm to accelerate swing and wrist swing, so you can improve your technical level by practicing wrist swing. You can use dumbbells, elastic bands, etc.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Break ball

Refers to a hitting method in which breaker pretends to hit ball vigorously, but suddenly slows down speed of arm just before hitting ball and hits ball softly into opponent's space.

The action is as realistic as a heavy dunk, but speed of hand swing suddenly slows down just before hitting ball, wrist is relaxed and ball is covered with whole palm, and ball is gently pushed forward. and up so that ball falls into opponent's space.

The light spike in air volleyball is a technique that is a method of hitting ball like a strong spike, suddenly slowing down speed of hand just before hitting ball, and softly hitting ball into opponent's space. Compared to a heavy dunk, action of a light dunk is softer and it is easier for opposing defender to lose time to react.

The following are some tricks and training methods for light air volleyball hitting:

1. Skills: The easy spike in air volleyball requires player to slow down swing speed of arm just before hitting ball, relax wrist and wrap ball with whole palm, and gently push forward and upward to make ball hit opponent's space. Athletes need to adjust force and direction of strike in accordance with defensive position and actions of opponent.

2. Training Methods: You can practice on field or do rebounding, passing and catching drills, etc. In practice, teammates can play role of opponent's defender, simulate game situation, help athletes learn skills better and adjust power and direction of shots.

3. Precautions: When using light spikes in game, you need to pay attention to situation on field and avoid excessive use of light spikes, which will force opponent to adapt to your tactics. In addition, athletes need to flexibly use light spike skills according to game situation to achieve best game effect.

The light spike in air volleyball is a skill with a high technical content, which must be used flexibly depending on situation on court to achieve best effect.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!


Refers to a shooting method in which an offensive player uses a light and flexible one-handed pass to prevent ball from hitting blocker's hand or into an open space on opponent's court.

After taking off, breaking player pretends to break ball, then suddenly changes his movement and with a one-handed pass hits ball from behind and from below, hanging ball into opponent's space.

When hitting ball, arm should be as straight as possible to try to hit ball high.

Issues to watch out for when lobbying: After taking off, first do a vigorous breaking action and then move on to lobbying. Hit ball with your fingers and wrists. If opponent has someone to protect blocker, ball can be hooked, if there is no one in center of field, it can be raised to center of field, if people are concentrated in center of field, it can be raised in two corners from behind No.

The following are some air volleyball hanging skills and training methods:

1. Skills: The ball in air volleyball requires players to maintain body balance when hitting ball, relax their arms, and gently throw ball into opponent's field. Athletes need to adjust force and direction of strike in accordance with defensive position and actions of opponent.

2. Training Methods: You can practice on field or do rebounding, passing and catching drills, etc. In practice, teammates can play role of opponent's defender, simulate game situation, help athletes learn skills better and adjust power and direction of shots.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Sounding Ball

When an opponent passes (tap) ball into sky near offensive line, player jumps up behind offensive line and hits ball directly into opponent's field, which is called a dunk.

The spiky action is same as frontal sizzle action.

Sounding ball dodge is a common attacking technique often used by athletes in competition.

When an opponent passes ball into sky near offensive line, team members can use their jumping abilities and skills to jump up and hit ball right into opponent's field to reach goal of scoring.

The following are some tricks and methods for learning to throw a ball through a probe:

1. Skill: To dunk a sounding ball, player must jump behind offensive line and hit ball directly into opponent's field. Athletes need to adjust force and direction of strike according to defensive position and actions of opponent in order to achieve best playing effect.

2. Training Methods: You can practice on field or do rebounding, passing and catching drills, etc. In practice, teammates can play role of opponent's defender, simulate game situation, help athletes learn skills better and adjust power and direction of shots.

3. Precautions: When using a dunk-sounding ball in play, it is necessary to pay attention to situation on court in order to avoid blocking or receiving ball by an opponent in defensive system set by opponent. Also, you need to pay attention to your jumping ability and skills when using sounding ball to avoid injury.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Skipping ball

Jumping and jumping is one of main striking techniques commonly used in air volleyball.

The structure is basically same as front smash.

Jumps out of line of attack and uses a forward jump to close distance to net. Jumps and kicks have a high step frequency, long distance and high speed, there is no need to brake or crouch, and number of runs is usually two or three steps. -off, raise your head and chest, tilt your upper body forward and move your arm back slightly.

When hitting ball, right hand is directed forward and up, and hand reaches highest point and with whole palm strikes back middle of ball, while pushing wrist so that ball flies with topspin.

Pass and hit is one of main hitting techniques commonly used in air volleyball. This is a technique of fast running, jumping and hitting, which allows ball to fly faster and more accurately.

The following are some tips and techniques for learning how to jump and hit:

1. Skills: Jumping and hitting require athletes to quickly run behind attack line, using forward jump method to close distance to net. When pushing off, squat slightly, keep your feet some distance apart and actively swing your arms forward at your sides. When hitting ball, right hand is directed forward and up, and hand reaches its highest point and with whole palm strikes back middle of ball while pushing wrist to make ball fly with top spin. Athletes need to adjust force and direction of strike in accordance with defensive position and actions of opponent.

2. Training Methods: You can practice on field or do rebounding, passing and catching drills, etc. In practice, teammates can play role of opponent's defender, simulate game situation, help athletes learn skills better and adjust power and direction of shots.

3. Precautions: when using jumps and kicks in game, it is necessary to pay attention to situation on court in order to avoid blocking or receiving ball by opponent in defense system set by opponent. . Also, you need to pay attention to your own jumping abilities and skills when using jump spikes to avoid injury.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!


In air volleyball, spike is near offensive line or above backcourt. Frontcourt players (particularly blockers) must step back and run quickly to keep ball in front of right shoulder and change. and hit ball on opponent's court. If relationship between person and ball is in an unfavorable position, ball can also be driven over net by blocking ball with one hand or catching ball with both hands.

Here are some tricks and techniques for backstroke training:

1. Skills: The retreat spike requires players in front court to quickly retreat and run to keep ball in front of right shoulder and then push off and hit ball in opponent's court. When jumping, arms are extended upwards, and waist and legs are vigorously bouncing upwards to achieve greater height and greater impact power. When hitting ball, swing your arms with both hands and hit ball into opponent's field.

2. Training Methods: You can practice on field or do rebounding, passing and catching drills, etc. In practice, teammates can play role of opponent's defender, simulate game situation, help athletes learn skills better and adjust power and direction of shots.

3. Precautions: In game, it is necessary to pay attention to situation on field when using retreat spike in game, in order to avoid blocking or receiving ball by opponent in defense system. adversary. Also, you need to pay attention to your own jumping abilities and skills when using retreat spike to avoid injury.

In short, Retreat Spike is a skill with a high technical content, it must be used flexibly depending on situation on field in game in order to have best effect.

October 24, 2023