Air volleyball: test yourself and enjoy team

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

In today's society, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to their health and prefer to engage in various sports to train their bodies.

Among them, air volleyball, as a general strengthening, multidirectional, high-intensity sport, is deeply loved by people.

Air volleyball allows you not only to train, but also to challenge yourself and enjoy team game.

This article will talk about origins, rules, technique, form of competition, health benefits and other aspects of air volleyball so that everyone can better understand this sport.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

History of air volleyball

Air volleyball originated in China in 1984 and was first invented by retirees from Jining Branch of Hohhot Railway Authority.

Inspired by balloon game at Spring Festival Gala, retired members of Jining Branch used balloons used by militia to shoot targets and stretch net to hold game events at badminton court.

Participants generally feel that this self-created activity has no physical contact, is not only safe, but has a relatively acceptable level of activity. It can also be integrated into fitness and entertainment, and is suitable for middle-aged and older people. aged people.

In order to enrich content of fitness activities for elderly, Jining Branch included activity in list of competitions at seniors' sports meeting that year and named it "air volleyball."

Since then, air volleyball has gradually spread throughout country and gradually turned into a national sport.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Air Volleyball Rules

1. The air volleyball court is 12 m long and 6 m wide. The height of net is 1.8 m for women and 2.0 m for men. 2 meters in front of net there is a line of restricted attack line called 2 meter line. The ball weighs 120 grams.

2. There are 5 players on field, and their positions are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 counterclockwise. Before referee blows his whistle, all players must stand in field and may not go beyond touchline. Players cannot be moved forward and backward, except for server, other players cannot be moved left and right. Otherwise, it is a station error. After referee has blown his whistle, players may change positions as they wish.

3. Serving is 1 serving per person. The starting team starts serving from 1st position and second serving team switches from 2nd player to 1st position to start serving. Serve 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 clockwise, otherwise it is not a valid round. The ball must be sent within 8 seconds, and more than 8 seconds is considered a service delay foul.

4. The ball must go through net 3 times. Otherwise 4 times. The ball must land on opponent's court and must not touch marker post.

5. The ball is hit by a short-term explosive force. 1 person can only hit ball once at a time. The ball cannot remain in hand for too long, and whether it was a subjective intentional or unintentional hit, ball cannot be hit twice. Otherwise, it's a ball and a combo.

6. Players and coaches must not act rudely, abusively or aggressively before and during game.

7. The game uses a system of 3 games and 2 wins, each of which is scored 21 points, and third - 15. In each game, opponent must score 2 points more.

8. For a group of matches, a scoring system has been adopted: 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss. The points are same, more than net winnings.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Air Volleyball Technique

Generally speaking, air volleyball is a type of volleyball that slows down, loses weight, is suitable for relaxing rules, reducing size of field, and lowering height of net. At same time, it is a new type of volleyball. a sport that retains characteristics of conventional volleyball.

Air volleyball is a Chinese innovation. In terms of sports, it also contains a lot of technical content, which is reflected in competition rules, fitness and entertainment.

Regular volleyball games, basic "serve, pass, dunk, block" skills, air volleyball is a lot like normal volleyball.

The ball for air volleyball has a soft texture, is very light and elastic, from a light blow ball can fly out of field;

Because ball is relatively light, limitations on airflow coefficient are relatively large; ball itself is relatively large, and wrist cannot wrap around ball when hitting ball, making it difficult to control ball's trajectory. when hitting ball.

According to rules of game, air volleyball take-off spike must be behind boundary line at a distance of 2 m from center line, in addition, opponent can block spike if ball is within boundary line, it must be pulled up when passing net. The arc of jump is parabolic and opponent cannot block it.

Some basic air volleyball moves vary due to factors such as venue, rules, and quality of ball.

Through practice and research of air volleyball itself, some of main technical aspects of air volleyball are summarized as follows.

1 Return Technique

Reception is basically using both hands to pass, hold and hit ball.

The essence of basic action is to predict position of an air volleyball that is about to move, and quickly push it with your hand under ball, and then use your hand or fingers to push or throw air volleyball. .

Two-second pass technology

Touch ball with one or both hands.

When catching ball with one hand, keep your palm up, put your hand on bottom of ball, and then hit ball;

It should be noted that load on second pass should be at a height of about 3 m in front of spike, which is more suitable for spike.

Three Spike Technique

Skipping is usually divided into jumps and frontal kicks.

Jumping and hitting ball is mainly for seeing distance to ball. If ball is within boundary line, player may jump forward from behind boundary line. The direction of travel is correct;

A front kick is a quick adjustment of position of ball so that it is directly in front of you before ball moves.

Regardless oft which spike, you must master timing and position of hitting ball. If opponent intends to block ball during spike, you can change direction of spike correctly and win in one move.

4 blocking technologies

Look at your opponent, if your opponent is preparing to hit ball beyond 2m boundary line, you should prepare to block.

Like normal volleyball, blocking hand can catch ball over net, but cannot touch it or hit ball first.

The block is intended not only for opponent's spike, pad and pass, but also for opponent's serve.

5 ways to serve

The feed is divided into crochet feed, bottom feed, and top feed.

When serving, ball should not be too high, otherwise it will be difficult to pass through net or it will be easily caught by opponent; when serving, position of ball should be in middle of hand, and ball should be hit with power of hand; increase feed power.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Air volleyball uniform

Air volleyball is played by two teams with an equal number of participants, on two equal grounds separated by a net, according to rules, using any part of body to hit ball from net into opponent's zone, without letting team A pass, an offensive and defensive sporting event, in which ball lands in its own court.

The game starts when player in position 1 on right side of back row hands ball over net in service zone (meaning server). At beginning of each game, when serving team scores a goal, player in position 1 cannot continue to serve, and players on field change clockwise, and next player in position 2 will serve; team scores a goal, according to number of serving rounds pre-recorded on score sheet for each round, team members first change one position (empty round) and next player moves to position No. 1 from right. side of baseline The player serving ball (i.e. player in position 2 serving). The serving team receives 1 point per goal scored and receiving team also receives 1 point per goal scored.

Each side makes a maximum of 3 shots (excluding blocking touches) to get ball over net. A player cannot hit ball twice in a row (except for blocking). 5 or 4 players on field are divided into front and back rows. The game uses a point-by-ball system.

In official games, a 2 out of 3 system is usually used. In rounds 1-2, a 21-point system is used, that is, winner is one who first scores 21 points and surpasses opponent by two points. The decisive game uses a 15-point system, that is, winner is one who first scores 15 points and surpasses opponent by 2 points.

The benefits of air volleyball

Air volleyball as a sport not only brings physical activity, but also has following advantages:

1. Improve cardiopulmonary function: Air volleyball requires a lot of running, jumping and quick reaction, which can effectively improve cardiopulmonary function and increase body endurance.

2. Exercise coordination ability: Air volleyball requires athletes to have coordination ability, move up and down, left and right, and quick reaction, which can train the athlete's coordination ability and body control ability.

3. Improve team spirit: air volleyball is a sport that requires teamwork. It requires mutual cooperation and support between players, which can improve team spirit.

4. Reduce stress: Air volleyball is a fun sport that allows athletes to relax and de-stress.

5. Promote communication: Air volleyball is a team-based sport that can promote communication and communication between players and deepen mutual understanding.

To love air volleyball is an attitude to life!

Air Volleyball Precautions

When playing volleyball in a balloon, you should also pay attention to following aspects:

1. Choose a suitable venue: Air volleyball requires a flat and spacious area, preferably an indoor area with a floor.

2. Wear suitable clothing and footwear: Wearing suitable athletic clothing and footwear can protect athlete's body and reduce sports injuries.

3. Warm up and stretch well: Warming up and stretching can help athletes prevent sports injuries and improve athletic performance.

4.Pay attention to safety of players: During competitions and training, attention must be paid to safety of players in order to avoid collisions and accidental injuries.

5. Master Basic Skills and Rules: Before playing air volleyball, you need to master basic skills and rules to avoid fouls and mistakes.

6. Respect rules and spirit of game: In game, you need to abide by rules and spirit of game, respect your opponents and referees, and maintain a good competitive condition.

Air volleyball is a dynamic and challenging sport. By playing air volleyball, you can improve your fitness, develop team spirit, relieve stress and improve communication.

When playing air volleyball, you need to pay attention to physical safety and competition rules in order to achieve the best sports effect and experience.

Original link "Air volleyball: challenge yourself, enjoy a team sport"

October 25, 2023