Come and learn the breathing technique for running long distances without getting tired!

Come and learn the breathing technique for running long distances without getting tired!

You have that experience too: same distance, almost same speed, sometimes you run calmly, sometimes you are out of breath halfway, and you have nothing to love. Breathing is very important if you want to run long distances without getting out of breath or tired!

Come and learn the breathing technique for running long distances without getting tired!

To fuel your body while running, you need to breathe faster and get more oxygen into your lungs. From there, oxygen enters blood and then to tissues. For this to happen, you cannot breathe as calmly as when you are resting. The respiratory rate increased from 15 to 40-60 breaths per minute.

This is because muscles need oxygen to work, and more efficient breathing allows more oxygen to reach muscles, preventing them from straining. This means that controlling your breathing can lower your heart rate, which in turn reduces level of fatigue in your body.

Proper breathing while running can improve your running performance. To learn how to breathe more scientifically, use following method and write it down in a small notebook.

Abdominal breathing

Perform abdominal breathing exercises to prepare for proper breathing technique while running. If we are not accustomed to breathing from diaphragm at normal times, we will not be able to breathe from diaphragm while running, resulting in shallow breathing. Several times a day, place your hands on your stomach and inhale through your nose, focusing on expanding your belly, then exhale through your mouth.

Come and learn the breathing technique for running long distances without getting tired!

Respiration during cell division

When you breathe, should you focus on breathing through your nose or mouth? It turns out that you need a combination of these two methods, inhaling through nose and exhaling through mouth. If you notice that you tend to aggressively inhale through your mouth, this could be a sign of overexertion. However, when we breathe through our mouths, it is a sign that we are running too fast.

The key to using this method is to maintain a speed where you almost don't have to open your mouth and breathe through your nose. Inhale through your nose and start running, slowly accelerating until you reach almost speed at which you need to open your mouth to inhale. This speed is running speed that matches your cell division breathing method.

Come and learn the breathing technique for running long distances without getting tired!

Another point worth noting is that rhythm of nasal breathing during test should be four steps, one inhalation, four steps and one exhalation: first take four steps to inhale, that is, "inhale, inhale , inhale, inhale, "and then run four steps on an inhale. Exhale step by step, that is, "spit, spit, spit, spit."

Pass "speaking test"

If you're new to running for training or fun, most of time you should be running at a conversational pace, meaning you can chat with your partner while you run. At this speed, you can gradually build up endurance, which will also allow you to gradually run longer distances, and breathing rhythm at this time is steady.

Rhythmic breathing

Have you ever had a stroke? This is especially painful, which directly affects distance I run.

When your feet land on ground, impact force is 2-3 times your body weight. If you begin to exhale as your feet land, impact pressure will be greatest. Keeping same planting of foot at beginning of expiration for a long time will easily lead to unilateral bifurcation, which can lead to serious injury.

If you are prone to one-sided breathing, you can carefully observe yourself next time you run to see if initial stage of each exhalation corresponds to landing on same foot.

Come and learn the breathing technique for running long distances without getting tired!

The way to deal with this is to use method of rhythmic breathing - inhale in three breaths and exhale in two breaths. Using this method, you will find that landings on legs corresponding to initial stage of exhalation alternate, with impact on body being distributed on both sides of body. When running speed increases, it can also be changed to two steps, one breath, one step, one breath, or one step, one breath, one step, one breath.

If you want to completely avoid side effects, you should also pay attention to warming up before training, not exercising a short time after eating, replenishing water properly while running, etc.

The above running skills, I hope that after you try them, you will never be out of breath, tired or injured.

October 27, 2023